Potbelly Pigskins Fantasy Football

Hopefully this will be some help to us all. It certainly makes my job easier!! After all it IS all about ME Right?? For my dial-up friends the 2004 rosters are a little large so be patient while they load. I'll post any pertinent info when I get it.

 Draft Day
August 26, 2007
1:00 pm

At the Moose Lodge
5530 Middle Road    53402


Need directions???? Call 634-5164

I'd like to reiterate that if you can't make the draft and I don't have a line-up to chose your players for the draft the league will draft your team this year. It will be put up to vote by all present and doubtful your best interests will be addressed, so please fill out a draft order and get it to me if you can't be there in person.

In the Top 5 Pick pool for 2007 will be Bill K; Mike Niesen; Tom; John Z and Gregg. You all will draw a card (Ace-5) to determine the order of draft Starting at:

  1. Z

  2. Gregg

  3. Mike N

  4. Bill K. / Jacques

  5. Tom

  6. Sanders

  7. Don

  8. Mark

  9. John

  10. Larry Gifford (Our Reigning Champion!!!!)


Paid in Full are:                                            Still Owe:


Two players can be carried over this year, but keep in mind that whoever you keep this year you will not be able to protect next year. Also along with a full Defense an extra roster spot will be opened for an individual Defensive Player.

Next Years draft will be in order of last place to first place. The league winner Will pick 10th....In order to eliminate anyone from dumping there team at the end of the year to assure last place, a Lottery System will be implemented. The last 5 teams will be given a chance to draw a card. The team to draw the ace will pick first and the two second and so on............
Any Questions?????


Click on your teams name below to access last years Roster

Team Name

Franchise Tag 2006

Managers Name
Larry's Larks Matt Hasselbeck QB Sea/ Willis McGahee RB Buf Larry Gifford
Destroyers B. Rothlesberger QB Pit/Randy Moss WR Oak Mike Niesen
Texas Misfits C. Williams RB Tam/Carson Palmer QB Cin Mike Sanders
Bottom Dwellers Santana Moss WR Was/ Robert Ferguson WR GB Tom Gross
Great Expectations Larry Johnson RB KC/ Dominick Rhodes RB Indy Don Curtin
Whitehawks Brian Westbrook RB PHI/Drew Blodsoe QB Dal Mark Heiser
Smack Talkers Clinton Portis RB Was/ Tom Brady QB NE John Z
Atomic Bulldozers Steve Smith WR Car./ Torry Holt WR/StL. Gregg Gross
Wimps Jake Delhomme QB Car/ Tiki Barber RB NYG Bill Knowlton
BOHICA Rudi Johnson RB Cin/ Chad Johnson WR/ Cin John Wirtz


Team Name

Franchise Tag 2007

Managers Name
Larry's Laugters LT RB San Diego / Mark Bulger QB St Louis Larry Gifford
Pit Bull Fighters Peyton Manning QB I Mike Niesen
Texas Misfits Willie Parker RB Pit / Steven Jackson RD St.Louis Mike Sanders
Dabrzsuc Eli Manning QB NYG / Travis Henry RB Tom Gross
Stu Pidassos Todd Heap TE / Donovan McNabb QB Phi Don Curtin
Whiskey Walers T.J Whosyourmama WR Cin / Marion Barber RB Dal Mark Heiser
Carpkillers Reggie Bush RB NO / Shaun Alexander RB Sea John Z
G-Force Frank Gore RB SF / Tony Romo QB Dal Gregg Gross
Mels Maulers Larry Fitzgerald WR Ari / Cedric Bensen RB Chi Bill Knowlton
BOHICA Joseph Addai RB Indy / Marvin Harrison WR Indy John Wirtz