These www-pages are online report of 7 finnish students/ex students trip to Chamonix on March 6th 1999. We are providing to whole wide world (www) a view from our trip. These pages are tributed to all the people who couldn't join us.
Where are we from?
We are from Finland, Oulu.
University of Oulu
Department of Electrical
Photos are taken with Kodak DC210 digital camera, they are first downloaded to laptop-computer and image size is reduced to 640x480 pixels. Original images are 1152x864 with 16M colors. Then starts longest-lasting process, downloading these images to our webserver (Linux RedHat 5.2 with 28k modem) in Finland with GSM-phone and put them up to these pages. Cameras memory card can hold up to 27 good-quality (1152x864) images so that will be the amount of photos you are going to see daily unless we are making two transfers per day (one for evening-events?).
How often images are loaded?
Daily, starting from March 6th up to March 13th. Images are basically loaded approximately around 6pm EET. Exceptions for these times are first and last days (then estimated update-time is 10pm).
Why these pages are on english rather than finnish?
I don't really know.
How can we be contacted?
First, you can use email, temporary email-address throughout the trip is or call us. All of us have a GSM-phone and we might be giving some public-number for calling. At this moment, the number is not yet announced.