Pennsylvania Biker's Page
District 6
Adams County   -   Cumberland County   -   Dauphin County   -   Franklin County   -   Huntingdon County - Juniata County   -   Mifflin County   -   Perry County   -   York County


Adams County
ABATE Chapter: Mason Dixon - E-Mail
Meeting Place: 1st Saturday of every month at 1pm. Find a member for location or click on email above

Cumberland County

Dauphin County
ABATE Chapter: Blue Mountain
Meeting Place: 2nd Saturday of every month at 1PM- Find a member for more info or check out the home page by Clicking on Blue Mountain above
May 03-06 - MC Helmet Law Protest / Freedom Weekend
Camping available Freedom weekend $20 per person at the VFW Picnic Grounds, Shellsville, PA. Gates open at noon, food by concession. Bands, Bike Show, Tattoo Contest, Free Breakfast Monday morning. Ride to the capitol as a group, leaving campground 11am Monday morning. For more information, call (717) 234-3777.

Franklin County
ABATE Chapter: Keystone
Meeting Place: Meeting House (behind the Mountain House Restaurant), US Rt. 30, East of McConnellsburg, PA. 1st Sunday of every month at 1:00 PM

Huntingdon County
ABATE Chapter: Highlanders - E-Mail
Meeting Place: AJ's Lounge, RD#1, Box 82 Fairgrounds Road, Huntingdon, Pa 16652 (814)643-0454. Dates and times change monthly.

Juniata County

Mifflin County
  ABATE Chapter: Patriot Riders
Meeting Place: Meetings are held the 1st Saturday of every month at 4pm. Location changes month to month - find a member for details.

Perry County
ABATE Chapter: Ridge Runners - E-Mail
Meeting Place: 2nd Saturday of every month at 2:00 PM - ask member for more details or click on E-Mail Above.
- Fellowship Ride
The first Sunday for each Month April through November I Host a fellowship ride. Leaving at 12:30 PM, right after our 10:45 AM Services. Leave from the Newport Assembly of God's parking lot located on 6th Newport, Pa... All are welcome. If you plan to join us the the 10:45 AM service come dressed to ride and with a full tank of gas.

York County
June 7-9 - Triumph Come Home
All British Motorcycle Enthusiasts Welcome. Held at the White Rose Motorcycle Club Grounds 20 miles Southwest of York, PA. For more information goto www.triumphcomehome or call (804)730-7724.

GWRRA Chapter Pa-V
Monthly meeting 2nd Sunday monthly at Dutch Country Rest., 946 Baltimore St., RT 94S, Hanover. SUMMER HOURS: Breakfast at 8:00am. Meeting starts at 9am. Mention GWRRA so they seat you with the group. ALL BIKERS WELCOME!! E-mail me for a list of our rides or a copy of our latest newsletter which I can e-mail you at (Brenda Milberry, Newsletter Editor/PR)
GWRRA Chapter PA-V, Hanover, PA, to hold BENEFIT POKER RUN on Saturday, August 3, 2002. Proceeds will go to help STOP Child Abuse in York County through the York/Adams Parenting Aid Center, Hanover, PA Check-In at 8:00am, last bike out 10am. Leaving from Kid's Kingdom Park, Grandview Rd., Hanover, PA. Ride will cover approx. 100 miles of surrounding country roads. Manned sign-in stops. $10 per rider. Price includes picnic dinner at end of ride, people games and door prizes. Rain or Shine, 2 or 4-Wheels. Chairperson: Pauline Thomas, (717) 633-9586 or Brenda Milberry (717) 633-7515 for e-mailed copy of flyer. Send request to:


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** If you or someone you know would like to be added to our mailing list simply click on the button above and fill in the form (it will take you less than 2 minutes - I promise)
** All event dates are subject to change
** The events listed are being posted by an unofficial source - PA Byker has no control over rescheduling of events, weather conditions, unforeseen acts of God or nature. If your are unsure - call one of the contact numbers that are posted for that event. PA Byker accepts no responsibility for the outcomes of any said event. Proceed at your own risk and for the love of God - Have Fun Doing It!!!