This website is satire. It's not real. It's a joke.

I'm not making fun of Tupac's death. I am making fun of the people who think he's still alive. Just like some of you same Pac fans laugh at the Elvis following, I have decided to laugh at both groups; the Elvis and the Pac cults. Why? Because it's funny. Black people needed an Elvis, so we found one in Pac.

I know grown people who think Pac is still alive. I know people in the music biz who think Pac is still alive. These are intelligent, articulate, productive people. And after years of using reason to explain how either he's dead or he wants to be left alone so we should say he's dead anyway, a lot of y'all still do get it. Well since you don't get it, I'm a have to clown you.

So don't hate. I miss Biggie and Pac, but a lot of you people really need to get a life.

Tupac was not actually abducted by aliens. He was murdered. It was sad and my condolences go out to his family and friends. But to you obsessed fans: y'all niggaz need to get some therapy. For real.

And while you're at it, get a sense of humor.