Well, this looks like the end of the road. I will be heading to UC Davis on Sunday, and probably won't have time to update, not that I ever did anyway. My email address has changed and I get to start a new life up in Davis. If anyone would like to take over the site, email me at AggieTrance@aol.com. If not, I will probably leave this site up for a while. Who knows, maybe I can still update once I get up there, I don't know. Thank you to all of the people who sent trucks in and sent me email. Good bye for now! 9/22/2000
Been a while eh? I have been working full time, and very busy. Enough excuses. There is a new truck on Rides 6, and an update on Rides 5. The roll pan pics have been up for a while. I am going to get it all welded together and have Supra lights installed in the back (eventually). My windows are getting tinted Thurs, I am going to refinish my rims soon and I am getting new tires. I just graduated, so I have a wad to spend. I will update a few more areas tonight. 7/19
I have been trying to update the page, but Geocities won't let me upload pics. I will get to it this weekend. I have added a link to FreeDSL.com on the front page. You can get free internet service through them, I just gotta get the modem and I'm hooked up. Check it out. Look for pics of the screwed up roll pan soon. 3/30
A big sigh occured today. The truck looks great, and the color is fine. I am so happy! The gap is stil there, but it is not as obvious. I don't have the money/time/patience/willingness to fix it now. Pics will be up when the roll is developed. Thanks to the people who have sent in in trucks, I will get to them soon. 3/16
I have been screwed again. I just got my roll pan an got it put on. Now there is a gap on the right side, you'll see in the pictures. I am getting it painted right now, but there is no guarantee of color matching. WHAT?! A body shop can't match paint. They said it will look good, god I hope so. I'll let ya know how it goes. I need more Fords and Dodges to put up in the Rides section! 3/15
Ok, I added a new truck on Rides 6. Also, I fixed that damn fan belt problem. A new roll pan is on its way and so is a new exhaust set up. I'll let ya know when it all goes down. Please send Fords and Dodges, don't be shy! |