As we were looking at it I could only see the potential for my find and have been working on it every since. I have completed the pan. I used an angle grinder with a wire brush to strip all the paint, rust and under coating off. Next I fiberglassed the top of the pan and undercoated the bottom. I have since replaced the link pin front end and replaced the front brakes and master cylinder. I am currently working on the transaxle and rear suspension which by the way is a swing axle. My good friend is prepping and painting the body and will be done with it in 2 weeks. It is going to be the brightest Corvette yellow that he can find with 4 layers of clear coat on top. The pan and suspension is gloss black. It will be a balanced 1641 with Engle 110 cam, Weber 40, stock heads with solid rocker shafts and 1:25 rocker arms. That is what is going on in my little shop on my off hours from work. Thanks, Ed
Congratulations Ed, on a great find!! The Sidewinder was another buggy who broke out of the Manx style mold and took on the DMV laws meeting their standards! Yours is THE only remaining example of this buggy we have seen!!! Very cool, the DBA.