Walnut Creek Rabbitry
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits
The Netherland Dwarf rabbit was developed in Holland during the early part of 1900's from the small Dutch rabbit. After many years of selective breeding, it was then exported to England in the 1950's. British breeders improved the breed substantially, particularly with regard to stamina and standardization of colors. The result of their efforts produced the modern American Netherland Dwarf.

It was not until the mid-1950's that the Netherland Dwarf breed started to appear in the United States. The breed was officially recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) in 1969. The Netherland Dwarf rabbit is the "smallest" breed of rabbit and is recognized in more colors than any other rabbit breed.

The Netherland Dwarf is one of the most popular breeds of rabbits. Its wide variety of colors and type of characteristics presents a challenge to the exhibitor. Its small size an easygoing disposition makes it an ideal pet for children. Since the breed requires little space and a small amount of feed, it enables the breeder to establish a fair size rabbitry which would not be possible with most of the larger breeds of rabbits.

As the name implies, the Netherland Dwarf should be small and compact, a stocky, docile little rabbit with a head distinctly Roman in profile. The head itself is rounded, with a broad skull. Eyes are round, bold, and bright. Ears should be erect, slightly rounded at the tips, with the ideal length being 2 inches or less. The maximum weight for juniors (under 6 months of age) is 2 pounds while the maximum weight for seniors (over 6 months of age) is 2 1/2 pounds. The fur should be soft, short, dense, and roll back very slowly.

The schedule of show room points, places 30 points on body type alone. The head also receives prime consideration with 35 points being based on head, ears, and eyes. Fur, color and condition, account for the remaining 35 points.

Les or Getitia Matheny
16351 Turney Caldwell Road
Circleville, Ohio 43113

(740) 474-3569

Show Rabbits
(Copyright 1999)