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The Victor Charlie "Voices of the Carolina's" DX Group was founded Nov. 1997 in the state of South Carolina to promote friendship on the 11 Meter Band. We expect our members to conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner. The use of profanity and argumentative conduct is not condoned; the Victor Charlie designation should also stand for "Very Courteous". To disagree with someone's viewpoint is human, to argue the point on the air is childish. Everyone should be able to enjoy our great hobby of 11 Meter DXing.

We ask ALL 11 Meter Operators to follow the Worldwide "Gentleman's Agreement" on the usage of 27.5550 Mhz USB as the "International Call Frequency". Please make your calls and/or contacts on "The Call" then move (QSY) to another frequency so that others may enjoy the DX also. We would like to request those using LSB to use frequencies other than 27.5550 Mhz to allow as many operators as possible to enjoy our common hobby.

We discourage the the use of echo, voice synthesis and other "Noise Toy's" on SSB (Single Side Band) as it makes the human voice very unreadable. It is our opinion that the intended function of "Roger Beeps" is as an "End of Transmission Tone". We recommend that they only be used on difficult QSO's.

We request you NOT use callsigns or QRZ's on the outside of envelopes when sending QSL packages. Please! use first personal only, not their Call Sign. For more information please click on the banner below. Thanks.


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