Welcome to Michael Thorson's Northwest wheeling and Jeep page!

Please use the links below to see the photos and possibly trip reports from four wheeling runs here in the Great Northwest.  Since I go wheeling just about every other weekend, this site will be constantly under construction so please come back periodically to see what is new!  Of course the Jeep is constantly undergoing change as my wallet allows, so please keep an eye on the "About my Jeep" section at the bottom.  Most of the photos currently on this site are before a lot of the current modifications.

About my Jeep:

New and improved steering box protection!!!

Trip photos and maybe reports (currently from the past year):


Just another trip up Isabelle and playing in May Creek!


Recent pics from a trip 4/22

Flat Fendered TJ at Isabelle!!


IRC99!!  (Island Rock Crawl) in Canada

Jason Conover's sick Toy and a couple of other fun pictures

More Walker Valley with the Sweatty Nipples

1/1/99  Annual SNORT Fear Me Challenge!!

More Snow Photos!!

Evans Creek 11/28/98

Snoqualmie Pass snow run 12/5/98



Lake Isabelle trail

Photos and thoughts from the new trail off of Shoestring.

A couple of shots on Funny Rocks at the PNW4WDA

1998 Fall Shore Patrol at Westport Washington!!

Links and friends

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Email me!