Hey Monkey!
how r u doing there in africa's air's ..oh naturally jumpin from one tree to another..but keep this thing in your little mind [ i still doubt :)))] that "jitni bhi ooonchi jump laga lo...u cannot jump on the moon..that is just "nazar kaa dhoka ..so do what u can do..and dont try to do HUMANLY THINGS...human's did reach on moon but they did it by using space ship..and rockets...but they never tried to jump so that they can reach moon...so just sit down and think that MONKEYS can't be human's and even though u wanna go to chaand then all u have to do is go to a pond where u can see a moon in water...just jump there into that pond..its more easy for u...and u will for sure see the moon and reach the moon...........LOL........hee...hee...
u may think its not funny but it is infact.......HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY to u and your Fiance...:))))))
Take Care