Mario16's Midi Files
If you want all of my midis, I have them seperated into 2 zip files: Metallica Midis and Misc Midis
There have been
totaly awesome people to visit my sucky homepage.
It'S jUsT tHe BeGiNnInG....
Hey just a fair warning. This page sucks, but ya have to give me a break. This is my first web page. Ok even thought this page sucks I have spent a shit load of time on it. It couldn't of been possible if I didn't have the help from a friend of mine. Please check out his .
Well my page is going under major construction, so please check back later.
Talk to me
Car Pics
InFo On Me...LiKe Ya WaNt To KnOw...
Ok if ya want to know about me here it is...STATS...17 18 aug 30/5'10"/M/IL/black hair/brown eyes/Italian.. We are the best.
Now my hobbies...working on cars..I love tinkering with them. And I can say I am pretty good at it./hangin out with my friends/ and like any ordinary teenager partying... ya know what I mean. ;)
Music.....Well If you couldn't guess my favorite band is........
QuEsTiOnS aNd HeLp.......
If you have anymore questions or have an idea for me to put on this page feel free to e-mail me or leave me a message on the ICQ board, or my new message board. You can find all of these under my Talk to me section.