This page is dedicated to our lovely 1979 230-GWagen
Photo by Ziad J Hage
Mercedes 230-G.
Model 1979 Long Wheel Base
Chassis Serial Number: 460 23117001127
Engine Serial Number: 115 973 100 00849
Axle Number (Front): 730 - 301 7001368
Axle Number (Rear): 741 - 503- 7501359
Axles ratio:5.33
Ring:48 , Pinion:9
About me: My name is Anthony Hage from Zghorta, Lebanon, I'm 19 years old (back at 99 when i made this website). I'm interested in 4x4's and off-roading and especially the MERCEDES-BENZ GELANDEWAGEN, I drive our G-Wagen from about 12 Months , and I'm becoming more experienced in the G Mechanics and Driving.
My Brother Jim, uses his G everyday as it's our only car. Hopefully , our G will be Re-Painted soon, and i hope also to remake the Steering System.
Me inside
Soly's 280GE LWB
Me and a 280GE from1987
I have also driven a HUMMER Off the Road, i find it Great, it's like a Demolishing machine!!
My Brother Jimmy
My brother Jim with Mr. Soly Khattar
The G-wagen is rare in Lebanon (like everywhere), probably because it is expensive, and there are no 2nd hand accessories for it.
I've seen about 20 different G's in Lebanon, i think there should be about 50 here !!