Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen / Gwagen
Lebanese Page by Anthony D. Hage
This page is dedicated to the most powerful and capable 4x4 ever made.
The Mercedes-Benz Gelaendewagen.
<<Being from Society's upper crust-movie stars, entrepreneurs, the Pope- those who travel in guh-LIN-de-vaghens are achievers>>
Also check the G-Club of France unofficial page made by me.
Click to see why The G-Wagen is a special 4x4:
If you are interested in Gwagens, or any other 4x4 , please E-Mail me:
updated:30 NOV99 - links- my own g
Please note that this site is not affiliated to Mercedes Benz. If there's copyrighted content or photos in this site, please let me know i will remove it. Long live the G.