Welcome To Todd's World
"Only those who try can truly fly;
So set your sails into the wind and you will see;
Success lies in the heart, as well as in the hand."
Todd Shannon Hopkins
All the stuff you want to know about me!!!
Kappa Sigma's International Memorial Headquarters Page
Tim's Homepage-The best brother anyone could ever have
View My Photo Gallery:It's Great!!!
View My Fraternity Photos...Just as GREAT!!
Pics from my trip to the Kappa Sigma Grand Conclave in Phoenix
My Kappa Sigma Tattoo Website
If you hate the group HANSON, click button below
Web page created and maintained by
Todd Shannon Hopkins
Send Mail to Todd "The Rod" Hopkins
(left to right: Boner, Pruett and Grego)
Click on the picture above to visit 101 KLOL'S The REAL Man Show
Grego, Pruett and The Boner
But let's not forget:
(was the son of a preacher man)
Locke Siebenhausen
(the shows nitwit and "on-the-street" funny man)
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