Aaron's Insane Asylum

I'm somewhat of an auto nut, just like some of you who visit my site. And like you, I enjoy having my toys. Some of my friends (yeah, like I really have them) think I'm a greaseball for having so many Toys, much less spending SO much time with them. Uh huh, the same people that sit in front of...(oh wait, hold on, I just saw some body parts on MTV)....um...uh.....the television all day say this hurtful collection of words to me, while I'm installing headers, or NOT paying someone else to work on my vehicles. Geez. It seems like the only thing I can do to get them into my auto-zone, is to take them four-wheeling on tight, rutted, twisty Northwest trails in my 1990 Toy truck, or drifting through fast corners in my 85 turbo Supra. Sometimes the same people get really interested when they stare at my 82 Supra parts car. Okay, I might be lying about that. Click on the links below to check out the toys. In April of 2001, I turbocharged my 85 Supra. Take a look(link below).

85 Supra
CT-26 powered 5mge
90 Truck
84 Supra
82 Supra
My Sportbikes

Stephen Sidman's Supra page

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