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" You are what you call your life: you are a temporal, accidental conglomeration of particles. The change of these particles produces in you which you call life"
Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and philosopher.

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Hi! Welcome to my webpage. This webpage is user friendly; all the subjects
are assembled into categories for easy on-line browsing. Let me tell you a little bit about who I am and where I came from.

My name is Andrei V. Pershin. I am Russian born Canadian citizen residing in Toronto at the present time. I have attended the Technical University of St. –Petersburg, Russia on the faculty of the Theory of Construction Materials. At the present time I am graduating from the George Brown College in the field of Electronics Engineering.

The following pages and links will tell you more about the two wonderful countries I have had pleasure to live in. Also you will find information on various subjects that of interest to me. Feel free to browse and e-mail me if you have any questions or comments.


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St.-Petersburg, Russia

Hummer only facts and pics!

Tarra's Page

Workout with Andrei


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