A Page to Benefit the Dave Schultz Wrestling Foundation

The reason for this page is to raise money and awareness for The Dave Schultz Wrestling Foundation (DSWF). I will be bicycling across America starting May 12th lasting about 45 days, and will donate the proceeds to the DSWF. Your donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for your records.

The total ride should be just under 3000 miles and take about 40 days. I am seeking individual and corporate donations of either a pledge per mile or a flat amount. Each penny per mile will contibute about $30 to the benefit's coffers. If you are interested in pledging, please email me at Josh1728@aol.com. Please tell me the amount your full name, the amount you wish to donate, your full address and phone number. If your employer will do a matching donation, please write the necessary information so we can get in touch with them.

The Musashi Samurai, the Leroy Neiman picture, and any Dave Schultz images are being used by the express written consent of Nancy Schultz and should not be used without her permission.

HOW THIS ALL STARTED: As a personal challenge, I wanted to bicycle from coast to coast. To ride as a way to raise money for a charitable cause was a way to combine athletic and personal interests. This all synthesized last year when I met Greg Elinsky, a Penn State MBA graduate and a Foundation officer. After meeting Greg and conversing with Nancy Schultz, The DSWF Benefit Ride became a natural fit. As a wrestler in high school I had been to camps where a number of the DSWC team coached.


Letter from Nancy Schultz

Link to the
Dave Schultz Memorial Forum

DSWC Mission Statement: The Dave Schultz Wrestling Foundation (DSWF) was formed by Nancy Schultz in March of 1996 to honor the memory of Olympic and World champion David Schultz. Its purpose is to promote and support amateur wrestling by providing funding facilities and coaching to future and current world-class athletes. Athletes who are chosen to represent the DSWF display the kind of character, sportsmanship and devotion to wrestling that were trademarks of Dave Schultz.

A Bit About Josh

My name is Joshua Stirling Gross and welcome to a cause which inspires me. This section will tell you a bit about my interests and hobbies. Currently, I live in State College, PA and am a 2nd year student in Penn State's MBA Program. In July I will begin work at Hirtle, Callaghan & Company, an investment management firm outside of Philadelphia. During my free time, I enjoy wrestling, bicycling, running marathons (New York andBoston), going X-Country skiing, and reading about business and philosophy.

My Grandfather took me to my first wrestling match when I was 8 years old at Penn Charter in Philadelphia. As a kid who loved roughhousing, I knew that this was the sport for me and I started wrestling competitively in middle school. I wrestled through high school and into college until I was in a car accident. Injuries in the accident stopped my competitve wrestling career prematurely. When I start work I look forward to becoming an assistant wrestling coach at a local high school.

The creation of this home page has been a learning experience and has taught me more about myself as well as designing on the Internet. I hope that your visit was entertaining. I would enjoy any of your comments or questions. If you have the time, please drop me a letter.My email address if you would like to contact me or make a donation at josh1728@aol.com.

Updated 5/13/98

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