Welcome to WWI replica & Pietenpol airplanes

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I'm looking to buy or swap every kind of old instruments & accessory from airplanes, cars and motorcycles. If you have somes, make one offer to:e-mail

E-mail: me

My Pietenpol Air-camper look as a prototype for the necessaries certifications

A very rare 85 HP Fiat engine, now under overhauling

( SOLD!)

Antiques and replica,

we can build and supply cowlings, instruments

and accessories for vintage cars and planes

Example: Replica of Tiger Moth airspeed indicator "Windy"

price $ 150

many pair of WWI and vintage airplane wheels for sale or swap e-mail

Replica of the LEWIS MK-III machine gun, building plans avalables for $ 150.- e-mail

For more pictures click here:
  1. Go to My minimax with the Piet

  2. Go to My Piet at Locarno airfield

  3. Go to The engine cowling

  4. Go to Wood landing gear

Work in progress, come back soon

Remember to sign my guestbook! View Guestbook

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