The Gray Motor Company Stationary Engine Page

The Gray Motor Company

Stationary Engine Page

Detroit, Michigan

Hello, I'm Tom Green from north central Minnesota
This web page is for "Hit and Miss" engine enthusiast looking for,
and willing to share information on GRAY engines built originally by the Gray Motor Company
in Detroit, Michigan, as early as 1906.
Later on, many GRAY engines were either built by, or sold by the "Termaat and Monahan Company"
in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. and some by the "Nelson Brothers Company" in Saginaw, Michigan.
The Gray Motor Company also had a marine engine division, which they were well noted for.
I'm told that the Chrysler Corporation bought out the marine division of the Gray Motor Company.
See "TIDBITS" below for more information on the GRAY Motor Company and their engines

My interest developed in the GRAY engines with the purchase in May, 2003,
of my first and only "Hit and Miss" engine....... to date!
It's a GRAY, 2 1/2 horse power engine. After buying the GRAY engine,
I naturally set out to learn more about their engines and the company, but soon found out
that the GRAY engines, and information on the same, are few and far between.

Thanks to some fellow GRAY owners and other lovers of old iron, some of the pieces are
starting to come together, but the puzzle is not complete yet!
That's the reason for this web site..... to gather and post information on the GRAY engines,
to learn, share, and have some fun!

Please submit your Gray engine, company tidbits, photos and other related Gray engine
information to me at
I will add your information to this web site. Let the fun begin!

If you'd rather look at my Family Tree, visit here.

Copyright by Thomas Green 2003

Currently on EBay -

"Barn Fresh" GRAY 1 hp Engine
in Parsons, Kansas

GRAY 4hp Pumping Engine !

Click on the photo

It's a "Not a GRAY" - "GRAY badged" engine,
I think!

Bill Miller seen this engine at the Portland Show.
It appears that someone put a "GRAY" brass tag
on this fancy looking engine, in lou of it's original tag.
This engine was posted on SmokStak, where
someone believes that it could have beginnings
as a 2hp throttle governed Witte.

If anyone knows the truth behind this engine, Please let me know!

Anyone know the owners
of these fine GRAY engines?

Found on the Internet by Rex Pyles
Anyone have any information on the Nice looking engine?

Story & Photos

GRAY Automobile Down Under

Examples of Neslon built GRAY Engines

Tech Articles,
Information, & Such

Parts for Sale

Quality Steel Stationary Engine Mufflers

Cast Brass Parts - mufflers, hopper covers, plaques, wheels, etc.

GRAY Engine Sightings !

One of our Cub Reporters spyed a 2 3/4 HP GRAY, Sunday, May 2nd, for sale,
at the Dunstable MA show. He reports that it had the same hopper top as
Allen Asher's, that is pictured on the roster. It has Serial # 2.75 G 8010.
Keep them reports coming!

"Gray Motor Company"
Tidbits Page Two
Tidbits Page Three
Tidbits Page Four

Other interesting facts about the Gray Motor Company.

NEW - GRAY Motor Company History

Will be updated occasionally, so please check back.

The GRAY Family

From Scotland to Detroit

A Family Bio by descendant Tom Stephenson

Serial Number Data Table

What year did you say your GRAY was built?

GRAY Engine Specification Data Table

Determine the Horse Power of your Engine from this data

Paint Codes

"Harry's SmokStak", July, 2001. David Lyon gave these color codes for GRAY engines:

DuPont Centari single stage enamel --RS903A
2 stage base coat / clear coat --RS903K

And from the 3rd Edition of Wendel's "NoteBook" .......
DuPont Dulux enamel -RS903

Thanks to Pete Stauffer for digging up this information

A fine example of a GRAY engine seen at the Lake Itasca, MN Threshing Show, August 2003

How to Start your GRAY Engine

April 22, 2006

Early 2-1/2 hp GRAY for Sale on EnginAds

Past Ebay Auction ~ 4 hp GRAY for Sale

GRAY Engines
at Auction

Old Iron Auctions This GRAY sold at Auction, in Polk City Iowa, to Aaron Abey.

Gray Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan
Stationary & Marine

NEW ~ 1909 GRAY Marine Poster

Visit GRAY Engine Sites

Marine and Stationary


See a Neat GRAY Marine Engine in a Boat !"

See the
Gas Engine Magazine
to see what issues mention, or have
articles on GRAY engines


Ora J. Mulford
The Men and His Machines
About the man & those who worked for the President of Gray Motor Company

1912 GRAY Catalog No. 9

See Bill Decker's generous submission!

Circa 1912 GRAY Brochure ~ Thanks again Bill Decker

See a 1913 GRAY Direction Book & Repair List
Thanks to Al Wait for this great new addition!

See the 1914 Instruction Book and Repair List
for GRAY 4-Cycle Stationary Engines
Models G-2 and L

See a 1913 Termaat & Monahan Catalog
to see evidence of a GRAY / T & M connection

See a 1913 GRAY Catalog
Please give Pete Stauffer a big hand for this submission!

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  • Use your browser's "back" button to return to the Gray Motor Company web page.
Copyright by Thomas Green 2003

Look at
GRAY Model Engine Castings & Finished Models

Engine Tips, How to's, etc. Here

GRAY Stationary Engine Roster
With Photos & Engine Profiles

Over 120 GRAY engines accounted for so far!
Keep them coming!

Guest Book

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Owners Contact Engine Photos & Profiles
Tom Green Email 19?? Gray 2 1/2 h.p.
Bill Miller Email Model G
Sonny L. Email "Old" 2 1/2 h.p. Gray
Hank Czerwick Email Gray Model G
Ernie Darrow Email An Original Gray
MiniRam Seen on Ebay 1 1/2 h.p. Gray Model J
Dan Lindberg Seen in G.E.M 1 h.p. Gray
Dick Staats Email 4 h.p. Gray Thoroughbred
Denis Rouleau Email 1 3/4 H.P. Gray Marvel
Kevin Davis Email 1 3/4 H.P. Gray Marvel
Joe Appelget Email 4 H.P. Gray Leader
Ray Gardner Email Ray's Gray
Stan Mosher Unknown Stan's gray GRAY
James Onions Email James Onions' 4 H.P. Thoroughbred
Canadian Engine Show Unknown GRAY from Canada
Chuck Moss Email 4 H.P. Model G Wet Head
Roland Finkenbinder Email Marvel & Model G Engines
Bill Hash Unknown 4 h.p. Thoroughbred & 1 1/2 h.p. GRAYS
Steve Simpson Email GRAY Model G from auction
PARTS for SALE Email Jimmy Priestley's Verticle GRAY Parts
Brian Tefft Email Two" 1 h.p. GRAY engines
Doug Kimball Email Termaat & Monahan or GRAY?
Walter Fluke Email GRAY engine in Washington
Dwayne Simpson Unknown 4 h.p. GRAY Thoroughbred
Jerry R. Caufman Unknown 4 h.p. GRAY
C. B. Green Unknown Australian GRAY Model G
Will Hoffman Email GRAY Model G 4 h.p. & CE 3 h.p.
Ralph Golightly Email GRAY 4 h.p. ?
Pete Stauffer Email GRAY 4 h.p. Wet Head
Jeff Miley Email GRAY 4 h.p. Wet Head
Peg & William Pfeiffer Email GRAY 1 1/2 h.p.
Bob Turner Email GRAY 4 h.p in New Zealand
Chad Johnson Email GRAY 6 h.p and T & M 1 & 2 1/2 h.p.
T. C. Schoolcraft Email GRAY 2 1/2 h.p.
Blaine Haynes Email GRAY 4 h.p.
Allen Asher Email GRAY 2 3/4 h.p. Wizzard & 4h.p. Model G
Bill Decker Ask the Host GRAY 4 h.p. Model G
Jim Cook Email GRAY 2 1/2 on EBay & GRAY 1 hp.
Mark Congdon Email GRAY 1 to 1 1/2 h.p.
Pat Heider Email GRAY 1 h.p. & 6 h.p.
Bob Hoag Email GRAY 4 h.p. Thoroughbred
Rod Ross Unknown GRAY 1 3/4_ 2 1/2_ &_ 4 h.p.
George T. Martin Unknown "Two" 4 h.p. GRAY(s)
Al Wait Email "1 3/4 ~ 2 1/2 ~ 5 h.p. GRAY(s)
Herb Gray Email Herb Gray's GRAY Engines
Keith Korbut Email Keith Korbut's 1 1/2 hp? GRAY Model G
Chris Kirk Email Chris Kirk's 4 hp GRAY
John Williams Unknown John Williams 1 & 1/12 hp GRAY's
Carl Knissel Email Carl Knissel's 1/12 hp GRAY Model G
Clive Rodger Email Clive Rodger's 2 1/2 hp GRAY
Aaron Abey Email Aaron Abey's Iowa GRAY
Dunstable, MA Unknown Dunstable MA. GRAY 2 3/4 hp.
Al Koch Email Al Koch's two cycle Stationary GRAY
Mark Meincke Email Mark 's 6 h.p. GRAY
Rick Monk Email Rick's 4 h.p. GRAY
Dave ~ Jacktown, PA Swap Email Three, 1 h.p. GRAY's
Danny McCloskey Email 4 h.p. GRAY
Dave Harper Email 1 3/4 h.p. GRAY
Jacktown, PA Show Unknown 4 hp wet head GRAY
Ed Farely Unknown 1-1/4 hp GRAY
Leonard Carver None 1, 1-1/2, & 1-3/4 hp GRAY's
Hartford City, IN Show None GRAY Model G
Marti Huck Email GRAY 4 hp
Blaine Knox Unknown GRAY Wethead
John Peters Email GRAY 1 3/4 hp
Paul Gray Email Paul Gray's GRAY Engines
Harry Cooper Email Harry Cooper's 12 hp & 6 hp GRAY's
Ryan Email Ryan's 2.5 hp GRAY
Sycamore, IL Show Unknown GRAY 4 hp? Wet head
Portland, IN Show Unknown GRAY 4 hp? Wet head
Jack Neidig Email Nelson / GRAY 1 1/2 hp
Elisa's Uncle Email GRAY in Finland
Russ Rolland Unknown GRAY model engine
Roland Timberlake Email GRAY / T & M? 4 h.p.
Rex Pyles Email GRAY / T & M? 4 h.p.
Coolspring, PA Unknown GRAY 4 h.p.
Raymond Collier Email GRAY, made by ?
Jacktown, PA Fall Show Unknown Two GRAY's
J. Dwight Email GRAY / Nelson 5 hp
Alan Fannin Email GRAY & Termaat? 2 1/2 hp
Kutztown, PA Sale Unknown Kutztown, PA GRAY Model G
Leo Wiser Email GRAY 6 h.p. Model L
Dave Wachter Unknown GRAY 4 h.p.
Stump Auction GRAY Unknown GRAY 4 h.p Wethead
Don Siefker's Web Page Don Siefker Engine Show GRAYS
The Burkholder Family Harold Burkholder Five GRAY Engines!
Chris Props Email 1 1/2 hp GRAY
Chris Curtis Email 4 hp GRAY
Eric M. Email 3 hp GRAY / Nelson -Wet Head, Kero
Pendelton, IN GRAY Unknown 4 hp GRAY Dry Head
Hollspopple, PA GRAY Unknown 1-1/2 hp GRAY G
Chris Walker Email GRAY 4 hp Pumping Unit
Ryerse Family Email GRAY 4 hp Wet Head
Greg Shipley Email
GRAY 4 hp Wet Head
Arthur Wilding Email
GRAY near Cape Town, South Africa
Gawie van Schalkwyk N/A
Model R GRAY, Merweville, South Africa
Clark Colby Email
Nelson Built 3 hp GRAY
Joseph Bennett Email
GRAY 2-1/2 hp
Dean Houlahan Email
GRAY - Down Under
Benjamin Roth Email
GRAY 1 hp
Ed Marchesich Email
GRAY 1 hp
Jeff Hyatt Email
Nelson / GRAY
Bill Reichmann Unknown
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
Jeff Parks Email
Early GRAY 2-1/2 hp
Joe Hoffman Email
Early GRAY 2-1/2 hp
W. Counterman Unknown
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
Harry Coulter Email
GRAY 2-1/2 hp Model J
Mick Email
GRAY "Mailbox" Engine
Ray Gray Email
GRAY 1-3/4 hp & 1922 GRAY car!
Jonathan Widelo Email
Coldwell Mower GRAY 1-1/2 hp
Carl Kunkel Email
GRAY 4 & 9 hp
Richard Seyfang Email
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
Erik Norin Email
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
Ken Majeski Email
GRAY 4 hp Mod. G, Wet Head
Eric Stoner Email
GRAY 2-1/2 hp
Jeff Mosley Email
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
John Peck Email
GRAY Marvel 1-1/2 hp
Brian Roach N/A
GRAY 1 hp
Tim Russell N/A
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
Tom Goscimins Email
GRAY 2-1/2 hp
Dick Webber Email
T & M 1-1/2 hp
Mike Stockard Email
GRAY 2-1/2 hp
Steve Hopkins Email
T & M 1hp
Steve Lampert Email
GRAY 1hp
Wayne Schmidt N / A
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
David Babcock Email
GRAY - early 2-1/2 hp
Reg Ingold Email
GRAY Model
Bob Hesselgrave Email
GRAY Junior?
The Tom Meister Unknown
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
John Hancox Email
GRAY 1-3/4 hp
Marc Arnold Email
GRAY 12 hp
EBay GRAY Unknown
GRAY 1-1/2 hp
Michigan EBay GRAY Unknown
GRAY 1-3/4 hp
Kris' 6 hp GRAY Unknown
GRAY 6 hp
Kyle Blankeship's GRAY Email
GRAY project
Galan Hackman Email
GRAY 2-1/2 hp
Chris Johnson Email
4 hp GRAY Two Cycle
Ed Payne Email
1-3/4 hp GRAY
Bill Honey Email
GRAY 4 hp Model G
David Givens Email
GRAY 4 hp Model
Steve Alt Email
4 cyl. GRAY
Steve Kreiner Email
Junk Pile GRAY
Tim Pratt Email
Tim Pratt's GRAY
Darrell Dwyer Email
2-1/2 hp GRAY