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Great game sight
Great game sight

Wanna know where to install your CB Radio in a new Trans Am?... Throw the thing in the back seat, `cause there AIN`T no place to install it!!!...Then, go visit my best friend Gambler, at "Gambler`s World"...
"The Radio Picture Archive"... Wanna see pictures?...Check it out...
"The Amateur Radio Network Home Page"...This is a new page, and it`s going to be GREAT, I can tell already!!!
"MFJ Enterprises"...A word about MFJ..They have the BEST warranty policy in the world! Bar NONE! And I can`t say enough about Richard Stubbs. These people are DEDICATED to the hobby...

"Texas Towers"...Where you go to buy towers, and Ham accessories...
"Davis R F"...This is their LINKS page...Some interesting stuff...
"COPPER" - A GREAT on-line catalog for C.B. Stuff!
"Pacific CB Radio Sales"...Here`s a new one. Prices aren`t bad, and the people are nice, too...
"Coax Kid`s Left Coast Radio" - ANOTHER Great one!
"CB City"...A REALLY nice site...Stuff for sale! (Can`t have enough stuff)...
"Howard`s Den" - SUPER Search Engines - AND a Great Friend! Go Here if you don`t go anywhere else!
Here`s another CB Friend...See "The Prospector`s Page"...
"D W Electronics" in Oklahoma City,..."THE" place to go for New and Surplus Electronics and Tubes!!!
"UDX Radio Group"...From Ulster, Northern Ireland...Great group...Great Site...!
"Scottish Worldwide Radio - International D X Group" - A great Web Site !! Get a taste of "Radioing in Scotland"....Be sure and tell Tony "HI" for me...
"The Truckers Page"...God love `em...Where would we be without the Trucks?
"The Web Truck Stop"...Get free banners at this truck stop...
"Antique Electronics Supply"...You need TUBES??? They Got Tubes!!!
HERE, NOW, Direct from Sweden..."Christer`s CB Radio Homepage"...
More Good Info. "The CB Radio Site".
"CB Radio On Line" - Here`s a Great site for "Newbies", as well as some good advice fer` us "Old Timers" too!
"Stewart Electronics" in Missouri.
"Bill`s 2 Way" - Not many Links, But a Good On-Line Catalog.
"ROBOCOMP"-Robert will show you a Great Slice of the Netherlands CB & Shortwave Life.
"JCRE International" A great site with Lots o` Links, a good on-line catalog.
"Jo Gunn" Antennas - A Most Impressive Base Antenna...
"ZX Yagi"...A World Class Winner! Maybe the best "Yagi" in the world...I just got the FIRST one in the US!
Want Music While You Surf? Check out "Netradio"...
"Electronics and Etc."... COOL multimeter for sale...Click on the banner at the top of this page...
"Cobra Electronics Home Page".
"Nerd World"!
"Lil Mac`s CB Page"...Nice Page...
Folks...This is a GOOD web site..."Sandusky CB Club"...Try it!
"Radio Resources On The Net" - If you can`t find a Link here that`ll make you happy, you need Prozac!!!
"The CB Shed on Highway 69" Another Okie Boy does good work.
"Thomas Distributing"-Order their catalog, (this is a good catalog) good prices too!
"Ken`s Electronics CB Parts & Manuals", Some good links .
"MCS Electronic`s - Want Ads" Leave a bulletin, Get a bulletin, Sell `yer stuff...
"MCS Electronics" A nice site, by a nice guy...Check out "307"...
"N2KBK`s C.B.Radio Page" A class page with some great links...
"WD4HIM CB Radio Web Links" Lots O` Links...
"555 Group"...Kinda` like Uncle Jim`s...More Links than a Hot Dog Factory !!!
"Fun in the Mud..and More" AwRight, AwRight, I know I`m breaking policy..But never-the-less, Catfish IS a "CB Bud" (and almost like a Son)...
"Bruces Home Page" CB Radio Stuff...
"The Galaxy Radio Web Site"...I LOVE Galaxy Radios...
"The Galaxy Radio Feature Comparison Chart"...This`ll make it all clear...
"Operator Thomas" Di-rect from Sweden...De Luxe/21-SPR-08 (I think That`s a Call-Sign)...
"Aki`s Homepage"...Another Swede...Now I know how they spend those long winters...They make Baby CB`ers...
"Bill`s Home"...From England...
"Da` Boss".."Paul`s Homepage"...How they do it in Poland...
"Speed Traps in the U.S.A."...This isn`t reeely radio related, but I think it`ll be handy for some of you out there...
"CB Radio Projects You Can Build"...I LOVE this site...
"No Name Amps" Here`s a WINNING Competition Amplifier! Visit Big Maul, and Hammer Down...
"Dave Made Competition Amps"...You think you`re tough enough? I don`t think so...Better check here first...
"DTI"...What`s DTI?...Go here to find out...(hint)...CB Radio on your Computer?...
"The RADIO SHACK Web Site"..Go shopping from here...
"The Citizens Band Mid West Web Site"...A GREAT site, with LOTS of great technical information....Ya` gotta` check this out...!
"Electronics World"...A GREAT mike wiring guide found here...
And here`s the "Copper Electronic`s" Mike Wiring Guide...
"DX Communications"...A nice Canadian web site...Really Nice Links Page...
"EFJ Devices"...Some reeeeely cool devices here...
"Greg Weremey`s Ham Radio Page"...From Cape Cod...
"Mudpuppy`s CB Radio Page"...A REEEEELY good page...
"KMB Enterprises"...Competitive Prices on CB Stuff...
"The Crystals Page"...Need a crystal for that old "Boat Anchor"? Lookie here ...(thanx, Nick)
"CB Masters"...Good Classified section...FREE advice...
Some REALLY cool Scanner Stuff, here...
"Ander`s Page - The AM Radio Group"...All the way from Sweden...
"CB Radio & 11 Meter DX Homepage"...From Germany...Tell Thomas "Hi"...
"The Original' 11 Meter Radio Website"... Good stuff...
"Ian Cummings Home Page"...Wullenweber Antennas? Amateur Satellite? APRS? You just GOTTA` check THIS out...Hovercraft, too?
"CRB Research Books"...Books that`ll teach you how to tear up yer` radio...
"Durham Radio", in Canada...When you check those prices out, remember, That`s CANADIAN Bucks... Great links, Great products...
Ever been on a news group? Check out "Use Net News Group"...
"Stubby`s CB Radio Page", a nice little page from Missouri...
"AJ`s World"... The other new kid on the block..."
"Prefix List"...Need a Country Prefix for DX? When you hear '2 Echo Uniform 114', you can go here to find out what country I`m in...(Hint: The '2' is the Prefix)...
cb radio site
  • Big Mac's CB Web Page
    Welcome To Big Mac's Web Page, this page includes, cb modifications, 10-codes, CB frequencies, weather around the world, search engines, e-mail address search, other CB information and more...
  • International Misfits
    A group of people haveing fun on the 11 meter band radio on LSB.Come and be a Misfit with us.
  • Tweed Radio Sweden
  • Radio Texas CB Shop Web Page
    ENJOY CB RADIO!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY CB RADIO!!!!!!!!!!
  • CB Radio Operators Search Engine
    Looking for a certain cb radio topic? A search engine based on cb radio with a database of it's own! Add your favorite cb radio site to the search engine!
  • Renegades C.B. Page
    C.B. Radio Links
  • Panther Electronics & Communication
    Panther Electronics specializes in 10 Meter and Export radio sales and repair. We stock modification kits and service manuals for many popular radios.
  • Pats Antenna Sales
    Pats Antennas sales is an authorized antenna dealer. we specialize in sales of various types of antennas.
  • Cannon's World
    All types of hobbies I am involved with and some personal thoughts
  • wastenotime.com
    Web guide made by real people for real people.
  • Dutch Homepage 19 LD 102
    Presentation of Lima Delta DX group, join us,dx news and info,links and more.
  • 19 LD 113 Gerard
    Homepage of 19LD113 Operator.
  • Some Days You Just Feel Like...........
    some days you just feel like........
    The CB-Museum from The Netherlands. Old and New 27mc CB-radio's.
  • Biker Bob's House
    CB Radio,CB Radio Links,Harley Davidson Motorcycles and Bike Links.
  • Hot Rods Web Page
    tips, tricks, mods many friends I've met in my 14 years of CB Radio
  • Exports R Us
    Exports R Us is the company devoted to the customer for service, product, and prices! The customer is #1 with us. Drop in and visit our site where you will see specials every month with you, the customer in mind.
  • Undertaker_267's Resting Place

    Links to other Radio related sites (Amateur/CB)

    Daryl Graham's Radio Communications Page
    Radio Frequency Lists
    Borderland-DX-Club Charly-Tango-group

    REACT International - REACT is an international Emergency Service that incorporates CB radio communications into it.  I suggest having a look.  

    Tuning Mobile One Aerials - Mobile one is an Australian Manufacturer of aerials and associated equipment.  This page explains how to tune aerials and install them correctly.

      • DTB Radio's User-Added Link Page
      • CB Radio Operators Webring
      • Jester's CB/SSB World
      • CB Radio Operators ICQ Chat Room
      • The CB Shack
      • Citizens Band Mid~West
      • C.B.Radio Online
      • BrassMonkey's Home Page
      • Mudpuppy's CB Radio Page
      • CB's~N~Stuff
      • Lord&Wyatt Communications - Citizen Band Radio Service D...
      • "Uncle Jim`s CB Radio Page"
      • Coaxkid's left Coast Radio, CB and Amateur sales
      • Break Channel!
      • President CB-Radio Modification
      • Hastings UFO Society
      • Dodgem's CB and Scanner Homepage
      • United C.B.ers' Home Page
      • odds&ends;.html

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