Then theres my "dream girl"...that thinks im the biggest playa ...or "mack" that gives everygirl lines juss to get to them ....and play them, right Alma?? ...but she know it and i know it she wants me...heheh j/k ...she gave me the look i swear .....maybe in the future though,if u know what its all about all those times at the resort Alma, god !! where u would sleep in the trailer wit me and mark...yes, yes I remember those times....haha me and mark where like smaller than u were we short asses but anyways ...I love ya!!AND I WILL PROVE IT TO YA TOO SUMTIME... (mark i hope u dont mind) heheh j/k like I'd care if u minded anyways....hehe
Then theres cristina. I have to say Cristinas been my friend since I met her in grade 7 and we partied!!! but she is still my good friend and will always be i remeber her locker being next to mine and also her wearing her green track suit to school lookin all pimp up and shiet.we still hang out ocassionally but not always but u know we always be king and queen bitch together hahahah. oh And she has some OBESesSION over Black guys?? and I know why....god Cristina!
Here is my friend which I used 2 be so rude to but now because her sister and my sister are best of friends me and alicia just hit it off and became really good friends...I think i kinda felt the friendship go when she went to live in the OAHU, Hawaii for like 6 months or sumptin' ...anyways
I wish her the best with who ever she wants??
Faye and me have been really close in grade
9 and now she use to be in my social class in first sem of grade 10. and i still talk to her. but Faye is good friend and has always been there for me and the same wit her brother...
This is Katrina she is a very pretty and beatiful girl, she is good lookin' everyone says and I believe so too.
even though me and her have been through alot because of my mishaps and misfortune of being an asshole she has hated me
but myself truly having a place for her in my heart I have became good friends with her ....I know ....I know I have hurt her many times ( I admit ) which I will never understand how bad, even though I have been told ......I liked 2 say I'm sorry ..............and that even though we don't talk as much anymore Your still my friend.
This here is janelle and by the can in her hand yes she drinks and holy does she ever!! janelle has been my friend since grade 2 but i moved away in grade 3 and that's it until grade 7 where we became friends and only because my bro(kris)and I were friends wit her bro and did we ever!! do stuff on the weekends j/k! hahahaha
but those many times we sat at her house drinkin and partying they were still fun!!! but anyways janelle party on and get some new friends to party wit hahahha oh well.
Punk @$$ hahaha