As you could probably tell, I'm the youngest and it's not bad since all the rest have moved out , but anyways high school this year is the funniest thing to happen because do i get the ladys and im not conceited or anythign even if i sound like i am .....but seriously why else would my name be GQ?? its not because i like the mag ..its cus i deserve to be on the Magazine..damn ......anyways here are som recent pics of me ...and i know i know there bad but thats why u gotsta see me in person .....give me a ring or a message if u want too..aights???
and if you read the "In Loving Memory" section My family has had a tragedy as my brother Kris (yes the good looking one next other than me) commited suicide on Feburary 7 1999. Kris was my closest sibiling as we grew up together even though I didnt see that much in the past year I was lucky that he lived with me and my sister in Calgary for 3 months, everyone loved Kris and hey he probably had some enemys too. but who doesn't?...anyways if u haven't seen the "In Loving Memory" sec...take a peep and sign the g book......