2nd Annual Arizona Trail Ride 1999

        This years Arizona Trail ride had a turn out of 7 vehicles.  Lloyd (90 2dr V6) was first to arrive and set up signs.  I met John (98 Sport) in the nearby town of Florence and we pulled into camp around 7 pm.  James and Off-Roader (91 4 dr) arrived  early the next morning.  James (93 LS) was the long distance award winner comming all the way from Tenessee.  We got off to a slow start that morning.  Mostly because we were Standing  around the camp fire Talking Monteros.  The plan was to do the Coke Ovens Trail and then head into Martinez .  We hit the trail sometime around 9 or 10am and did some playing around in Box Canyon.  Lloyd showed us a "ramp" to test

out our suspention.  It was clearly evident that there is a lot of travel to be gained from disconnecting the rear sway bar on coil sprung Monteros.  Several participants had the new sway bar Quick Disconnects from Person Off Road Systems.  Lloyd also showed of his new front locker on a moguled hill with a large granite boulder at the top.  He  was able to climb with no wheel spin.

The Coke ovens trail provided a moderate challenge that served as a good warm up to the difficulty that we would soon face at Martinez Canyon  The trail winds through some mountains which contain a few ledges.  The trail ends at an old cabin and some huge domes made entirely of stone.  After exploring the ovens and the surrounding area we headed back out and towards Martinez Canyon.

John climbs a ledge on the way to the Coke Ovens.  Johns sport did well with the sway bar disconnects and new 32" tires

Martinez Canyon

This is the entrance to Martinez Canyon.  The Canyon is very lush compared to the surrounding area.  The Plants in the canyon are fed by a natural spring

The "road" into the canyon was an old mining road which has severely deteriorated over the years.  portions of the road have been completly washed away and to traverse the trail you have to drive through numerous rocky washes.  The most difficult stretch was a climb up a 50 foot long basket and beach ball sized boulder strewn washout.  Lloyd and I were the only two to attempt this obstacle as I had a rear locker and Lloyd was locked front and rear.  It was slow going and Lloyd had to give me a tug with his winch at the top.  Afetr getting to the top of this obstacle we were forced to turn back at this point due to impending darkness.

John entering the canyon

Here I am at the beginning of the trail just getting warmed up for what was ahead

Off- roader quickly tested his new rocker panel protection.  After climbing a ledge and then a sharp right he easily bent the bar under the pressure of the vehicle weight

James in the canyon,notice the kick ass snorkle from Motercare he installed.