Off-Road VWs! Baja1641

Early April 2001 -Oh , you know , just out for a cruise. Kinda a coming out of hibernation actuality. The car is not fully put together from the winter tinkerings, this year was minor, some lights were not working, or falling off., but I decided to take him out anyway, and with my camera! I stopped at three places , hopped out and snapped a few pictures, jumped back in, buckled up and drove on. Below are the thumbnails. Clicking one of them will bring up a new page displaying full size images.

In case you were wondering , at no point was I stuck. I just like to park in washouts, over logs, banks, and deep killer ruts!
I went in farther, this trail is very bad, large mud bogs , and soft ground. I stopped at some good safe points (for these pix). When I reached the end of the trail and turned around the baja was in lots of mud, the winter thaw. The rear began to sink. I nailed it. When the going got rough , the baja got going! I blasted my way though the bogs and ruts and right back up the hill!

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