Casas In Mexico

International Builders

Welcomes You to:
"El Dorado"


.....Last update: 4/26/99-6/19/99
Please fill form for wish list survey at the bottom of page!!THANKS! !"

Build it and they will come!
Own a part of Baja!

In the paper work to build a brand New Ocean Front Town!
On the Beautiful Sea Of Cortez.
You need Java to see this applet.
Own a part of Baja, get in on the ground floor!

For persons new to this upcoming project, please click on Baja Opportunities to see what will be  available in this New Ocean Front Town!

 For Sale/Fire Sale! / Se Vende!

 It is OUR dream to build a brand new Ocean Front Tourist Town (Sea of Cortez). It was/is My dream to be the developer. The family who are also part of  the Mexican Corp. that owns it want out! The Corporation is entirely owned by the family. They have other businesses to take care of. The property is paid for. I have been assigned/given an Exclusive Rights to Sell contract.

This is what we have!

The Ocean Frontage Town site sits on 440 acres. There are 3 1/2 miles of beautiful sea coast. Some nice beaches and some bluffs. Also a hill facing the ocean as you see in this photo. We have a total of 6,175 acres (2,500 hectares). There are 5 wells already in. Much of the preliminary work has been done. The town site has been surveyed/engineered. We have permits to develop this town. There is no infrastructure yet. There is an International airport in Loreto, Baja, just 15 miles to the south. The property faces the Transpeninsular hiway on the west and the Sea of Cortez on the east.

This is not Ejido/Indian land. It is and always was private land.
There is paper work going back to 1864. Mexican Law now allows 100% foreign ownership. The town site (440 acres) were originally selling for $7,500,000. us dlls. Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand! The rest of the 6,000 acres were not for sale. Today, priced for a quick sale, we are asking only $2,500,000. us dlls. Two Million Five Hundred   Thousand for the whole 6,175 acres! The family wants to get on with their lives. I want to get to work building!

With the courtesy of Earthwatch.
Check the weather Map!

Wish list!
 Development site.
 Future town map
   Baja Business Opportunities 
  Loreto Map/photos
  Cost of living in Mexico
  Courtesy of Virtualmex
  Traveler's Utilities
  Courtesy of Virtualmex

E-MAIL : johnny@casasinmexico
Call at: 760-955-2693 Victorville, Calif.

  E-mail Johnny

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