There needs to be more pages about this cool chick band so I decide to be the one to make another. I saw the Lunachicks in concert in June of 95 and have loved their "kick ass" music style ever since. Their album "Pretty Ugly" has gotten great reviews. The "chicks" have at least 4 other albums out that I know of: "Jerk of all Trades", "Binge and Purge", "Sushi Alamode" and "Babysitters on Acid" and a live album, "Drop Dead Live" with a cover of Iggy Pop's Passanger. The Lunachicks are supposedly working on a full length ablum due ot soon.
To learn more about the Lunachicks go here Lunachicks!or here Lunachicks Jizzjarr Page

I would just like to thank all the people that signed the guestbook saying how much they like my page. I must be the laziest ass person in the world because i'm hardly ever on the internet to touch it up...that why its been "underconstruction" since 1997. Shit. I'm sorry, but thats for all the support guys.
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to see this site since 7-10-97
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