Roger's photography pages

Ice Hockey, Autograss, Blues and Gilbert & Sullivan!

A gallery of some of my photos that have done well in exhibitions, and some snapshots from my collection.

My main photograpic interests are sports, stage and music photography. I specialized in ice hockey photography, with photographs appearing regularly in the magazines Face Off, Powerplay and Top Hockey (Italy), and I went to photograph 3 World Championships 2001 (Germany), 2002 (Sweden) and 2004 (Czech Republic). Hopefully I'll find time to put some of those photos on the web.

I've now moved to Pembroke, a long way from any ice-hockey! But very convenient for Pembroke Autograss Club and I hope (soon) to add some fotos here.

I also have some music photos of jazz and blues performers, mainly in and around Sheffield.

I return to the Peak District each year, for the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival in Buxton, where I photograph the performances for the festival brochures etc.

and also try to get to see the Buxton Hitmen speedway, for some more speedway photos.

Some links to academia based photojournalism sites are kept here.

This gateway links you to some websites specialising in sports photography

Links to other sites on the Web

Atlanta Photojournalism seminar
gold canyon
Frank Niemeir (good list of links)
Luminous Lint

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