Here is a little bit about me for those of you out there who are interested.
Don't judge the book by its cover, or shall I say, in this case, extract.
I was born on December 19th, 1975. I know I'm young, but I feel like I'm getting old fast. This also makes me a Sagittarian.
My Hometown is Turkeytown, Pennsylvania (No, I'm not kidding. That is the name.) It is about 30 miles east of Pittsburgh, PA.
My interests are broad, but that makes me more interesting: Aquariums, Firefighting, Mountain Biking, Roller Blading (Yes, the brandname, no imitations here),
Religion, Beanie Babies, and other stuff. (Oh, if you are not an open-minded person about people with differing religions, please
leave now!! I can not tolerate ignorant people.)
So, I GRADUATED from W&J in May 1998. I'm currently job searching for some type of position. Wish me luck, I'm not getting any leads. I'm totally lost and have no clue what I want to do. I guess I thought that I'd graduate and get it all. BOY, was I wrong!!! So, now my plans are to attempt to get into graduate school and take classes at night.
I majored in Psychology. BIG MISTAKE. (Used to be a double major, but Sociology was soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.) And, I have not clue what I'm going to do with it. I'm kinda scared.
School:I went to Washington and Jefferson College, Washington PA. (South of
Pittsburgh, just in case you wanna know.).
My Love-Life is still rather non-existant at the present, but I'm still working on it. I honestly seem to have trouble committing to relationships. I can't figure out why I do this. I guess I'm scared of getting too involved. Which is odd, because most girls I date become very close to me. Usually, they will end up being a super close friend of mine.
Ethnic Heritage: I'm a quarter Italian, a quarter Slovenian, a quarter Russian, and a quarter Slovak.
Body Art: I have 2 tattoos on my left ankle. One of a dragon and the other of a marlin (Mom almost died) and 1 piercings on my left ear: the inner part of my ear canal (the conche). I used to have two other in the ear, but they grew in. And, I have my left and right nipple pierced, too.
- REVELATION 19:16 (yep, tattoos were in the bible)
Religious practices? None.
My life plans are to be successful in Family, Politics, and Business.
Yes, I wanna have it all....basically to be RICHER. Ah..."to dream the
impossible dream." Just kidding, I really only want to be happy. I wish I knew how to do that. But, as of now, none of this looks to be happening anywhere in the near future.
Firefighting:I save people's lives for a hobby. I have been a volunteer fire fighter since I was 14 years old. My
Step-Father is Fire Chief. And me, you ask? I'm company President. A CEO of sorts.
I run the business, legal, and financial end of the company. I was the youngest
person to ever be elected President of a Volunteer Fire Company in the state of Pennsylvania,
at age 18 and 2 days. I'm in my 5th year of office.
I was recently elected to a line officer position. I'm now a Lieut. in the company. A line officer is a person who handles emergancy calls. I'm fifth in line on the chain of command, but every once and awhile I am the scene commander. I really love doing this.
Music: Not country, not rap, not R&B.....any questions?
Politics: Possibly a Conservative Democrat??? Really, I don't know. I do know that I'm
gonna run for the local office in '99!!!
Hope all the bold face did not annoy you!!
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