Redwolf's MIDI Den
--> Visitors since 7/03/97
Would You Like Sum Fries With That?

RedWolf's Video Game MIDI Page #1
Welcome MIDI Fans! Here is my collection of Video Game MIDI files that I have found from around the Net. Composed by Very Talented people out there! So I have gatherd them up for you, so that you can sample there skills. Awhile ago, I said I was going to turn MIDI's into Waves for the net linkers. Well, im sorry to say that it wont be possible, due to Space Limitations. Waves would eat up my available Space way to fast! If I can find a way around it, I will try. maybe, a wave of the week. Or just the most requested song. Well, if u have any ideas, be sure to let me know! & Many thanks to Two-Face (Sephiroth), for his help in finding many of these MIDI files! RW
All MIDI files copyright there respective creators & owners

Video Game MIDI's Coming Soon!!!!
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