Mark's Dirt Bike and
Fourwheeler Page
As you may be able to tell, this website hasn't been updated for quite some time (aproximately 5 years). However I just can't bring it upon myself to tear it back down after all the work and many hours I originally invested to get this site going. However, I am no longer able to update it as I'm currently married, attending DeVry University out of Phoenix, AZ, working part time as an electronic technician and have very little time to ride. I have my bike down here with me so if anyone in the Phoenix area wants to hit me up for a ride, just e-mail me! Anyways, below is the original site, keep the e-mail's coming I still enjoy reading them :).
Hello, my name is Mark or on the 'net more commonly known
as Fordlover or Fordlover49. I am only 16 years old and this is my second
home page. If you would like to see my first
click here.
It is about RC cars and trucks.
MAKE SURE you check out my Sand
Dune Photo Gallery, the largest sand dune gallery on the web. If you have any sand dune pics mail
me with the URL. Check out my Award's
If you have any tips or tricks or sand dune images
e-mail me I will credit you with the tip or picture and put a link
to your page and/or put a your e-mail adress or neither if you want.
Other things on this page:
AMA Supercross points
and results Updated every race!
1997 AMA
National Motocross points and results. Updated every race!
on lots of Dirt Bikes. Info based on 1996 bikes.
Sand Dune Photo Gallery The largest Sand Dune Photo Gallery on the
web check it out!
Tips and Tricks.
Need your tips and tricks.
Make sure you stop by again.
My Awards Page Click to see all of the awards that I have recieved.
Ford F-250 Check out to see what my brother did to it when he rolled
Come back Soon! Mail me If
you have something to say or just want to mail me. You are visitor number
April 26, 1997 12:00 A.M.
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
© Copyright 1997-2002 Mark Booth. Last update 11/5/97, extra paragraph at top added 9/2/2002
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