Christen - 12/20/00 19:27:04 My URL:/chrisbsb_2000/ My Who..or what are you ?: I don't know Favorite Cheese ?: American Favorite Monkee episode ?: Monkee See, Monkee Die Head or Help ?: Head Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Help lkajdshfkjdshsdf: what? | Comments: Great Site!!!!! |
Alter Ego - 11/01/00 16:41:03 My Who..or what are you ?: I am a native of the alien world of NARFF Favorite Cheese ?: Ghouda Favorite Monkee episode ?: Hmmmmm.... Head or Help ?: Wha? Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Guh? lkajdshfkjdshsdf: Chet? | Comments: This page, or series of pages, or whatever, is really quite captivating. I found you guys while in my computer Apps class at Howard High school. Just gotta say i love your umm... spirit I guess is the only thing you could call it. I have now been ente tained here in your area for an entire class period. YAY! N-E-ways, I must stop this blather before I fill up your whle page, so let me just say you guys are awesome, nothin but props, keep the dream alive and all that rot. Also, Git, you are one hot li tle honey I must say. Well, i'm done now so I will say thank you for providing me a dark hole to hide from boredom in. SCOOM!!! |
Vic Mayor - 08/09/00 04:12:57 My URL: My Email:spikeypunk66 Who..or what are you ?: american... Favorite Cheese ?: Yellow cheese Favorite Monkee episode ?: Monkee of the Night III Head or Help ?: ....huh? Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Help lkajdshfkjdshsdf: Exactly my point | Comments: Hey, u visited my site earlier this week.. or last week.. yeah, one of you did.. yeah.. this site is... ODD.. your hyperness or whateer it would be called.. ENTHUSIASM yes.. enthusiasm is amazing.. so did u like the movie Monkee of the Night part III? I t ought it was great the monkey jumped up on the priests table and started going through convulsions... yeah.. it was a great movie, I dont know why I'm writing so much, IM not sure if its because im bored or because I want to piss you off.. proabbly boredo .. bc i dont want to piss you off.. nah.. u went to my page.. that was cool.. it was amazing.. yeah.. and.. im guessing you like the beatles? or soemthing? bu eyah, ... i cant tihnk of anything to write.. oh yeah how did you think the Nicks did when they ent up agsint the chicago 49ers? |
XLordAshX - 07/28/00 18:18:42 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: i'm the LORD Favorite Cheese ?: american Head or Help ?: help Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: help lkajdshfkjdshsdf: exactly | Comments: This is a interesting page you have here girlies. You seem cool though. Keep up ur bloody cool work up mates. Peace. |
Vered Albarn. - 05/30/00 11:49:40 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: A semi-blonde mad ferret. Favorite Cheese ?: Yellow! Favorite Monkee episode ?: I'n not that old! Head or Help ?: What's head? Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Hard Day's Nihgt lkajdshfkjdshsdf: ditto. | Comments: You guys are dead cool. Keep up the good work with the site. I borrowed your Oasis fan fiction for my site. |
Ki - 05/30/00 10:17:27 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: gryph Favorite Cheese ?: Flying. Fun to hunt Head or Help ?: depends I tell you lkajdshfkjdshsdf: the left one, I think | Comments: Hi EI! And friend! Just got here, will explore soon. Good thing, huh? Sing the book, then look at the page. MooWoo as Bryndri wold have put it. |^> |
Sarah - 05/11/00 02:18:11 My Who..or what are you ?: awfully broad category, eh? Favorite Cheese ?: brie Favorite Monkee episode ?: the one where they wear all looking dreamy!!! lkajdshfkjdshsdf: you took the words right outta my mouth | Comments: Yeah so I'm on the VG list and thought I'd give yer page a look-see. Yeah, so y'all are cool and all that....and i have little else to say.....DOODIE!!HAHAHA!!!!! aww man that felt good. |
I am the fearful Mistress Kitty... - 05/04/00 21:49:22 My URL:http://I deleted it, it died on me... My Who..or what are you ?: I'm a sailor scout, duh... And on occassion I can be a bubble princess... and other stuff. Favorite Cheese ?: Colby/Jack... Favorite Monkee episode ?: I only saw the Monkees movie u made me watch a LONG time ago... Head or Help ?: ... ... ... ... Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: I think I'll go w/Hard Day's Night lkajdshfkjdshsdf: hncdsartwhrfikhfbrefds;joigjtrhuyhgvfalkemdfuhljakjhfvoeqjkfghdrsihyb | Comments: Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala... Dodododododododododododododododododododo... Hehehehehedhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe... Heh, I said doodoo... I'm bored off my ass... And I said ass... *giggles* I'm perfectly sane... Don't laugh at me... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! bu bye... I wuv u Jocey!!! |
Ummm... Pritty Kitty - 02/22/00 00:47:53 My URL:http://I DO NOT HAVE ONE ANYMORE!!! My Who..or what are you ?: I am, err, uh... I cannot release this information... Favorite Cheese ?: The cheese that come in little net thingys and r wrapped in plastic and wax... And they gots a picture of a moo-cow on da front... Favorite Monkee episode ?: do not know Head or Help ?: ???? Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: ???????? lkajdshfkjdshsdf: djsfaefri;ejoi3wq4o3ryytreuhe... | Comments: HI JOCEY-WOCEY!!! I WANNA SHOPLIFT CORDLESS DRILLS WITH YOU!!! BUT I CANNOT VISIT!!! MASS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COLD!!!! ARGGG!!! luv u... |
Pat - 02/04/00 02:33:26 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: Portugal | Comments: Great Site, I liked a lot of it! Be sure to keep good work up!!! Please, check out the new website from SOUND RIOT Records, we are putting to out a lot of Black Metal, Death Metal, Speed/Thrash Metal, Power Metal, Melodic Heavy Metal, Gothic Metal, Atmospheric Metal, Industrial/Techno-goth and Ambient/Folk/Neo-Classica /Medieval/Darkwave Music bands from Europe. We are also doing a magazine called METAL OSTENTATION, it is written in English, pro-printed in 3.000 copies with colour cover and including a free Compilation-CD. new issue will out in March of 2000. It is totally dedicated to Metal, Gothic and Darkwave. Ask for our free MAIL-ORDER CATALOGUE with lots of stuff with fair prices. Everybody is welcome to get in touch with us!!! |
dave - 01/24/00 08:40:21 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: the god of love Favorite Cheese ?: the cheap kind that you can put on just about anything Favorite Monkee episode ?: ??? i dont think so. Head or Help ?: again, ??? i assume you mean 'lead' or 'follow', so lead. Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: why didnt i read over all the questions before answering?? lkajdshfkjdshsdf: canada kicks ass. | Comments: you americans are funny. |
*highway grrrl* - 01/07/00 04:35:28 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: demonic coyote *^_^* Favorite Cheese ?: sharp cheddar Favorite Monkee episode ?: never seen any :*( Head or Help ?: help Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: hard day's night lkajdshfkjdshsdf: flibbertigibbit: a flighty, nervous person | Comments: hey git! i don't think i've seen this page updated or nuffin, so, umm, hi! i's listening to das peppahs right now...... juuust liiike aaalways. umm.... see you around, babe! ~*~*Highway Grrrl*~*~ |
MisledYouth - 12/17/99 05:24:25 My Email:n/a Who..or what are you ?: not of this world Favorite Cheese ?: the kind that comes with lunchables Favorite Monkee episode ?: ...... Head or Help ?: uhhhh... Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: right...... lkajdshfkjdshsdf: make 7........up yours | Comments: Preflight delight, Defaced street lights, A pyrimid mind fuck, Don't leave yours seats now, Popcorn everywhere, canned, Clichè people organs rare, Corn everywhere canned, Clichè people cannot dare, Dare I want to be, A fallen ruby, Guest vibrations, Don't leave your seats now, Humans everywhere, canned, Clichè people organs rare, Humans everywhere, canned, Clichè people cannot dare, Dare Humans everywhere, canned, Clichè people organs rare, Humans everywhere, canned, Clichè people cannot dare, Humans everywhere, canned, Clichè people organs rare, Humans everywhere, canned, Clichè people cannot dare, dare, dare, dare. |
Nate - 11/12/99 03:17:00 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: I am Ironman Favorite Cheese ?: Screw you Favorite Monkee episode ?: Kill the Monkees Head or Help ?: Kill everyone Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: I WILL KILL YOU lkajdshfkjdshsdf: DIE DIE DIE DIE | Comments: you're a weird girl aren't you? Yeah. You're page is weird too. You can't escape it. It will always find you and hurt you and torture you and hate you and you will FEAR. FEAR...fear..............FEAR!!!!! |
Pierre Apostolides - 11/03/99 04:29:37 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: A strange little elf Favorite Cheese ?: Roquefort Favorite Monkee episode ?: I dun watch the damn monkees Head or Help ?: how about a helping head? Instead of a helping hand...haha...I know...I'm not funny Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: I'll leave this one blank lkajdshfkjdshsdf: fdshsdjkfhsdjakl...I spelled it bakkwardz | Comments: Hey Jocelyn! I didn't know your name was Git...but now I do...I really dug the page, it was swell. I'm gonna put one of those pics of you on my kick ass website...well, see ya friday at Tower! |
jamie - 10/30/99 21:20:47 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: i am hungry like the wolf. Favorite Cheese ?: *kisses your feet* Favorite Monkee episode ?: i haven't watched any in quite a bit. Head or Help ?: decisions... *head explodes* Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: help. we're not going there. lkajdshfkjdshsdf: yes, my habitat is david bowie's closet... fancy meeting you there as well! | Comments: this is planet earth, bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop... damn, the '80s are infectious. |
My name tag says Slim Shady, but i think it's Sarah - 10/12/99 00:00:01 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: i, myself, am not sure of thish one Favorite Cheese ?: all that shimmers in this world is sure to fade Favorite Monkee episode ?: i dont watch them anymore... Head or Help ?: Yellow Submarine Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Freak of the Week lkajdshfkjdshsdf: the bluebird of friendliness? | Comments: I havent been here in years... i thought i'd drop by and look at! :) LYRIC OF THE DAY: I want you to notice when I'm not around.. I wish i was special... so &^%$#@! special.. but i'm a creep... heehee.. I miss you guys... Sarah |
nikapo - 04/09/99 15:36:22 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: That's personal. Favorite Cheese ?: Yes. Except anything moldy. Favorite Monkee episode ?: Um Head or Help ?: Help Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Hard Day's Night lkajdshfkjdshsdf: My brain hurts | Comments: like i said, wacky wacky wacky |
- 03/30/99 17:18:21 | Comments: |
Jamie...or Mimi - 03/06/99 01:21:09 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: the keep of the bridge of death! Favorite Cheese ?: stinky cheese Favorite Monkee episode ?: uhhh...Fairy Tale? Head or Help ?: Help! Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Help! lkajdshfkjdshsdf: Help! oops...I my camel. I don't have a camel. but that's okay | Comments: look, I'm signing both of your guestbooks. muahahahaha. it's an evil conspiracy. actually, it's not. okay. anyway, loverly page you got here. okay I'll be going now...have a blue monday...even though it isn't monday. uh...yeah. okay, bye! |
SYLSA - 02/28/99 16:13:17 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: a humane bein' Favorite Cheese ?: um.. cheezwhiz Favorite Monkee episode ?: said it already Head or Help ?: Help Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: and more Help lkajdshfkjdshsdf: noo nah! | Comments: Hey! Look! We redid the site! weeeee! Who's MILDRED PEIRCE now, baby yeah!!!! It's Margaret Thatcher all the way! and WHY do we sign this guestbook?!?! Guess we just like your kookiness, aw yeya... |
Girl - 02/13/99 22:42:24 Who..or what are you ?: a girl Favorite Cheese ?: Colby Favorite Monkee episode ?: BBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Monkees are fake Head or Help ?: The Young Ones Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: The Young Ones lkajdshfkjdshsdf: What?! | Comments: I like the Young Ones and The Doors |
S.Y.L.S.A. - 01/16/99 16:47:28 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: I am cheese. Favorite Cheese ?: me. Favorite Monkee episode ?: ok, when they're like, on the beach, riding on horses and stuff, and they carry little girls around.. yeah.. Head or Help ?: Help Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: HDN, so um.. the above doesn't count lkajdshfkjdshsdf: yeah! | Comments:![]() Attention Poets, Writers, Musicians, Painters, Photographers, or if you do something "artsy". Come to this page and submit it. It's free advertising, man!! Go for it!! Thank you! |
Mildred Pierce - 01/03/99 08:11:21 My URL: My Who..or what are you ?: Inter-web galactic dream-boat Favorite Cheese ?: Goatshead..... Favorite Monkee episode ?: The one with the Monkey.. Head or Help ?: Head Head.. for sure... Help or Hard Day's NIght ?: Hard.. Hard head.. lkajdshfkjdshsdf: | Comments:![]()
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