One of my toys since retirement is a 1999 John Deere 4100. I have a loader and a tiller for it. My wife has an arena groomer for it too.
I have a 1979 Chevy C-10 Cheyenne with the F-44 (Heavy Duty "Big 10") option. My son found it in Oklahoma. It is a nice truck.
My wife has a 1994 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE Club Coupe which she won't let me use as a truck that's why I got the '79.
I also have a 1970 Buick Skylark Custom Convertible that God knows what I will do with. It has been sitting around for 20 years, and he finally convinced me to let him restore it. Maybe I'll get in on it in my retirement
You will also find a few pictures of my Buddy.
Here is a picture of my mom playing solitare on a computer. This is just as rare as me being on the computer, and she is playing the same game I always do. Well, I'm getting a little better with the new computer.
Patty Anton's Home Page; That is my daughter. She's an OSU grad.
Jackie Anton's HOME Page; That's my wife. She's a real estate agent for Smythe Cramer - Wadsworth.
Wilma Rose Anton's Home Page; That's my daughter-in-law. She's also a PhD Candidate at Illinois.
Mountain Sports; This is my cousins' place in Arlington, TX