Here is the best search engine. Works with both English and Español
Latest National Hurricane
Center tropical outlook
Active storm warnings from National Hurricane
Aviso de ciclónes
tropicales (Español)
Radar from cabo San Lucas
look at date and time to see if radar is working today. Subtract 7 hours for La Paz time
Radar from Guasave Sinaloa (Northeast of La Paz)
look at date and time to see if radar is working today. Subtract 7 hours for La Paz time
This page is also on other servers, bookmark a couple in case a server goes down
Last 24 hours from La Paz airport
Last 24 hours from Los Cabos airport
Almost live weather from Cabo San Lucas
All 2003 storm history and tracks here
All 2004 storm history and tracks here
NWS Marine Charts East Pacific
The ICE AGE is coming soon. Please help global warming ! ! Charts here
A Spanish-English on-line translator German,Italian,Portuguese,and French too!
Last 30 days Peso-Dollar Exchange rates