Christopher Hamilton

This home page will constantly be underconstruction. So come back and check it out.

Hello, I would like to first welcome you to my home on the internet. My name is Christopher Hamilton. For one reason or another you have found my home page. I just hope that it can provide you with what you are looking for. Either in the form of information or just away for you to pass some time. If you do find what you are looking for then come back often because I am going to try and update this page often. We all know how that goes though.

Now on to some general information aboout myself. The world was blessed with my birth in July of 1976. I am a graduate from Russell High School in Russell, Kentucky. The class of 1995. I persude higher education at a local college, Ashland Community College. This was done from about the winter of 1995 to the spring of 1998. As of right now I have not completed my degree, but I still have plans to complete it. As soon as I am out of the United States Air Force.

Well I have became the proud father of a baby girl on March 26, 2003. Her name is Trinity Hamilton. She was born at the Wright-Patterson Medical Center on Wright-Patterson AFB. As you take a look around my home here, take a moment and sign my guestbook. It is located on the bottom of the page. I hope you enjoy.

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USAF Career/Security Forces

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Page Last Updated 23 November 2003.

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