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My Jeep goes Off-Road!

I recently bought a '97 TJ Wrangler that I love. I special ordered it with a Dana 44 rear end, heavy duty suspension, and trac-lock differential. I am really proud of this vehicle but was totally unaware of its abilities. I took it off-road for the first time at Turkey Bay OHV park at Land Between the Lakes Recreation Area in Southwest Kentucky. I had a great time, and thought I would share some of the pictures of my Jeep and my boyfriend's ('76 CJ-5).

My Jeep and I, before our first off-road
experience together... I couldn't wait to get it dirty!

My favorite co-pilot,
Snickers the Wonder Dog!

My boyfriend's Jeep tooling through the woods

My first experience climbing on rocks! Yippy!

One of us gets stuck! No problem though...

'Til it starts to sink! Yikes!

He does get out though and it is off to the "car wash!"

My Jeep gets a bath too!

The past and the present together...

The End (until the next trip!)

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Updated 5/27/97
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