My web site here at Geocities has grown too big for Yahoo
You can visit me at my new web site
My web site at this posting has over 70 web pages and 3000 photos, and is always "under-construction" and growing.
You can place a FREE web advertisement selling your used custom 4x4 van, truck, wheelchair, camper, or early van.
I now have pages devoted to selling your used custom cycles, RVs, big rigs and 4x4 parts.
There are lists of events to attend, clubs you can join, How 2 info, off-road locations to visit, 4x4 van downloads and a huge links page including all kinds of van & truck related accessories or web sites.
You can also link to my web site using the following web addresses:,, and
Enjoy!! Your feedback is always welcome!
I bought my own .com and my new site is now much BIGGER and BETTER!
If your into 4x4 vans, trucks, SUVs or would like to find out more about Vannin' in general, surf up and check it out.