Family Pictures
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Second Family Picture Page

These are our most recent family portraits. Always been known to do things a little different, so we took pics with one of our favorite hobbies. Gee, can you guess what it is?
First pic is my son Chase in his racing cart which he races in the Baby Cart class in the Gulf Coast Karters. He's won every race he has entered so far, gee I wonder where he gets it from. The next pic is my youngest son Cole in my car, think he's ready to drive? Third pic is my dad, me,my Aunt MaryAnn and my brother, Dave. Fourth pic is the whole Jones crew kinda a mini reunion! Last pic is my "Godfather" Stanley with Chase at his house.
First pic is Chase and Cole at a Harley event, what sweet boys! Next two are them in mom and dads bed. Last is Dave and his wife, Chris on my bike, I hear ya they don't look like Harley riders!
My son Cole going on his first ever Harley ride on the "Bumble Bee" no less!! He had a blast!!
Holloween 99 at the Jones' house, Chase was a Robot, Cole was a Bumble Bee and Teri was a Flower. What a cute family!!
Chase Dudick Jones Page
Cole Derrick Jones Page
Jones' Boys Page
A Few Hunts Over The Years.....
First row is a Russian Boar I shot a couple years ago, the thing weighed about 450 lbs, we ate pork for quite awhile. Second row is a eight pointer I shot with my bow in Nov 98 in the lot next to my property. Not bad lease payments either. He was a monster weighing in at 146 lbs which is a big deer for this part of Texas, he also made an excellent mount which hangs in our living room. Next pic is a Texas Dall Bighorn Sheep which I shot two years ago, meat was surprisingly excellent and he made a nice mount also. Living room looks like a game preserve! This Dall Sheep is one leg of what is known as the Texas Slam. Now, just need the two other distinct bighorns to complete the slam! The last pic is the first deer I ever shot with a rifle, not bad deer for Texas but little spike horns. Needed to get his genetics out of the deer herd. Nice shot, huh? Last four are of the 1999 hunt which I went on down to S.Texas. Bagged a nice 8 pointer which is in the freezer and soon will be on the wall!