Welcome to the Home Page

Home of Sergeant Jim (the CyberCop).....

....and his adorable daughter, DeeDee.

(okay, it's not her, but she's at least this cute).....

I'm Service-Connected, Disabled-Retired from the Army,
and here's where I worked before retiring early "again".....
(it's also my alma-mater)

UMR / MST Police Dept

This homepage compliments of (they're free!!)

Here's a couple of my favorite toys.......

Kawasaki Prairie 400 4x4 (with automatic tranny)

And my Ford F150 XLT Ext Cab 4x4.......

Wanna check out my original homepage

If you're a liberal or leftist, you won't like the following links. They mirror my POLITICAL IDEOLOGY.

Check out my Cool Netsites,

beware of these: LAME LINKS,

and check a few sayings I admire: Great Quotes.

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Here are the coolest vehicles I could find on the WWW:

Classic & Muscle Cars

Exotic Cars

Trucks & 4x4s



Stay tuned for more...............................................................................................................later