We can't allow the Constitution to be revised to eliminate people's rights
- unless we are willing to have the Bill of Rights become a Bill of Wrongs!
You're invited to join me in this protest on behalf of the Bill of Rights!

Help Protect the Bill of Rights in CA

We hope that the CA Supreme Court will overturn Prop 8, but we're not counting on it. That's why we're partnering with our friends at Yes! on Equality to launch a campaign to get back on the ballot in 2010. If we can gather 700,000 signatures of CA voters by mid-August, then we can get back on the ballot next year with a Constitutional Amendment of our own. That amendment would undo Prop 8 and get us one important step closer to civil equality.

Whose Constitution? ... OUR CONSTITUTION!

PS - If the Supreme Court doesn't overturn Prop 8, we're not just gonna take it, right?! We'll be in touch soon about the action plan. If you really wanna get involved, reply to the following URL and let us know!

We'll see you in the streets,
The Marchers of One Struggle, One Fight

The Crosses of Lafayette, CA

"Memorial Day" Music Video from Cameron Harris on Vimeo.

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Pastoral Issues of Interest (PIOI)

Check out these excellent English language news sites:

The UK Guardian
BBC News
Palestine Chronicle

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Providing vital information on the continuing struggle for

Justice, Peace, & the Integrity of All Creation

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Rick and Sandy in London, England, overlooking the River Thames. Rick is a retired engineer, graduate of Pacific School of Religion, volunteer activist, minister and writer. Sandy is a special education teacher who helps children and adults with learning difficulties.

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Justice and Peace in Israel/Palestine

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Remembering those who suffer in Iraq

Click here to see the amazing movie:
"What Does 2000 Look Like?"

It's a fantastic video about a terribly sad time in our national life. It will make you angry and determined to help end the insanity of this needless war in Iraq.

Forward URL to friends:

Sadly, the number of U.S. troops who've died in Iraq
(as of Jan., 2009) is over


Contact Info:
Name: Rev. Rick M.