Backup Units
Welcome to the console Backup Units section! All consoles ranging from a
Game Gear or SNES, to a PC Engine or Neo Geo have had backup units designed
for them. Backup units (or "copiers") are mainly used to transfer a console
game's program onto another format, like diskette or hard drive. Once backed
up, the game file can be ran on a specific copier to play the game via the
console, without the origanal cartridge. This program extaction routine
is the basic purpose of copiers. Many copiers are more advanced though,
with features like auto protection disablement, cheat code entering, SRAM
transfers, and more.
Just a few years after the 16bit console scene had died down quite
dramatically, it seemed likely that copiers would become pretty much
extinct with the advent of new consoles relying on a CD format rather than
This seems not to be the case now though, as a whole range of new copiers
seem to be starting to surface for the Nintendo 64 in
particular! Game lovers will be relieved to know that the once thriving
console scene has started all over again. For some it never died infact. =]
Get ready, because its going to be intense! Its a copier revolution!
The Backup Units section is a forum for both news of new copiers,
and information about older copiers already in existance. |
SP64 is here!
High Speed, the company behind the SNES's SuperCom Partner
copier, have now released their rival to the Doctor V64,
the Super Partner 64! First impressions seem hopeful!
It DOES now have a CD drive, so don't beleive anyone else telling
you: they don't have one, we do! The CD drive is read only, just
like the Doctor, but is only 5x speed. This helps keep its cost
down though. Multifile CDs can be used, just as with the Doctor.
As standard, it comes with 128Mbit RAM, and the AC adapter that
splits into two parts, just like with the Doctor
V64. These two leads are to provide power to the CD drive, and the copier
itself. The SCP64 comes in a blue box, with holographic stickers on
the cartridge slot, which is looking quite slick and comfortable
compared to the CD drive counterpart. There’s three buttons on the CD
drive: one for playing the game, and the other two to switch between
games (up and down). The interface is pretty much boring but simple to use.
Doctor V64
Bung Enterprises introduce the first ever N64 copier, the Doctor V64!
As standard, each unit comes with 128Mbits (16Mbytes) of RAM, and can be
upgraded to 256Mbits (32Mbytes) for around £80. This upgrade won't be
necessary until game sizes exceed 128Mbits though. Not only will the Doctor
let you backup, play, and transfer N64 games via your PC, it also has a
built in 8x CD player! This can be used for either loading game compilation
CDs (ISO 9660!), playing audio CDs (with 3D stereo spatializer output!),
and best of all, playing V-CD MPEG movies! You can even use the CD drive
without having a N64! As mentioned, these units can be linked up for cartridge
to PC, or PC to Doctor V64 transfers, using a utility such as
TPC. This means that the Doctor V64 features
both playback AND copying of games. The Doctor V64's main BIOS is flashROM,
so it can be upgraded by downloading the latest BIOS! This means that theres
no need to worry about expensive upgrades, as new protetion routines are
incorporated into the N64 game carts! |
Triad Data Backup Systems
Triad Data Systems are currently developing 3 different backup units: the
Centaur32, the Cyclops64, and the Cerberus64! The Centaur32 system will
handle all of your backup needs for SNES, Genesis, and 32X cartridges,
letting you transfer data from cartridges to your PC, then from your PC
back to the flashROM cartridges supplied, for use on a regular console!
The Cyclops64 system lets you
back up your Nintendo 64 game cartridges in the same way! If you've got
a bit more to spend though, you can get the ultimate copier of all time:
the Cerberus64! This system is THE unit to have for those of you who want
to backup for SNES, Genesis, 32X, AND Nintendo 64, with one single unit!
With each system, you can also use your previously backed up games for use
on the flashROM carts! SNES games (in SMC format), Genesis games (in SMD
format), 32X games (in RAW format), and N64 games (in D64 format??). DSP
games are currently not supported though.
Keep in mind that a typical N64 game will use all 128 Mbits of space on a
flashROM pack, whereas a typical SNES/Genesis/32X game requires only a
fraction of that, which will enable you to put multiple SNES/Genesis/32X
games on the same flashROM pack! Just image, creating your own multigame
mini compilation carts! Using the LCD display built into the flashROM pack,
you can choose which game you wish to play! All you have to do is make sure
you have the flashROM pack plugged into the appropriate Triad Data cartridge
(N64, SNES, Genesis/32X) and you'll be ready to play!
On ordering, you'll receive an ISA adapter card, a PCB I/O interface (the
actual system), a 3 foot interface cable, documentation, and utility software.
Depending on the unit you buy, you'll get a SNES, Genesis/32X, or/and N64
cartridge, complete with an interchangeable 128Mbit flashROM pack!. Unlike
most copiers, this'll come with a 90 day limited warranty too!
Professor SF2
Carl Industries present the Professor SF2 SNES backup unit. This is the US
version of Hong Kong's number one selling unit, the Game Doctor SF 7. These
units "piggyback" onto your SNES system, and allow you to back up your SNES
cartridge games to floppy disks. You then need only the disks to play your
games, through the unit's built in 3.5" disk drive. It has many features
including slow motion, real time save, Gold Finger cheat code system, advanced
deprotect capability (e.g. plays Donkey Kong Country 2 without the need for
patches or fixes), and a PCX image slideshow function. Components are
manufactured in ISO-9000 factories, to provide excellent quality. It boasts
clean, integrated PCB design and multi-voltage power supply capability.
Its unique feature is that it is able to have multiple games loaded
simultaneously into its memory, which stay there even with SNES power off!
No need to load floppies over and over again!
The Professor SF II is available to
from Carl Industries. Current deals include a 32Mbit unit with wireless
SNES control pad for just $165! A major bargain! And a 64Mbit version complete
with a wireless SNES control pad is just $205! You'll even get a one year warranty
on each unit.
This CD reader unit is for use with the Game Doctor SF6/7 (Professor SF/SF2).
Its designed for use with SNES CDs for fast loading of your favourite games,
and also has the function of playing music CD's through the headphone jack. Its
all controllable through the GUI of the backup unit too.
Best of all, an MPEG card accessory in development for the GDSF7/Professor SF2
to allow MPEG/Video CD format movies to be played! |
PSX Disk Drive
A disk drive for backing up Playstation memory card blocks has been made
available from Datel Electronics! The drive uses standard PC formatted
3.5" disks. Each disk can hold 15 memory card blocks. The drive can be
connected to your Playstation through the memory card slot. The PSX Disk
Drive is available for £79.99 from Datel or £59.99 from Special Reserve.
Disk Dual
Front Far East present the Disk Dual! This is an external hard drive
& IDE CD-ROM drive in one box, for use with the Super WIld Card DX2
or PC. Parallel to IDE interface converter. Its bundled with a
software driver for MS-DOS, and works under windows or OS/2. It also
supports EPP parallel mode for optimal sending speed performance. Its
perfect for a non PC owner (Evil!). |
Super WildCard DX2
This is the latest SWC back-up unit for SNES, made by Front Far East. Its specs and
features include a new generation FC9304-JSI SMT core chip, 32Mbits program memory, with
easy slot expansion upto 130Mbits, 4M BIOS ROM, 8M expandable, 1K NRAM for user settings,
256K Battery backup RAM for game saves, DSP support with plug-in, high speed I/O serial
link to computer, bi-directional parallel port, ECP/EPP PC compatible, plug and play
driver for CD-audio, CD-ROM, hard drive and zipdrive compatible, audio CD player menu,
CD-audio mix input, and optional power supply. It also has a new configurable GUI OS with
2 types of background music (both crap compared the the DX's tune), and a voice that
says "wildcard" - cute! You can select the GFX you have in the background, and choose from
4 different icon tiles, as well as entering your own user message that appears at the bottom
of the screen! The SWC DX2 also supports a sub-directory file system like PC,
and has 2 differnt languages. Also, FFE inform us that it has an improved realtime SRAM
save mode cheat code finder. Sounds like good news to me! All sorts of program and BRAM
transfer/editing functions are available, which is good for people who don't own PCs.
Its password function supports current FFE, Goldfinger, Action Reply, and Game Genie
code formats. Its possible to fit this baby with a 2.88Mbyte drive too! Just image
having SF2 Turbo on one disk! From the GUI, standard disk format options and "improved"
self Test functions are available, along with the improved 256 colour PCX picture viewer
function, which lets you play a simple scrambled tile game out of any of your 256x223
PCXs! As you can see from the picture opposite, the chunky outer case design has now
been replaced with the sleek curved body which we call the SWC DX2! There is also a
secret function of the SWC DX[2] series you may want to know about.
DX'96 Upgrade ROM
This replacement ROM will upgrade the SWC DX's ROM BIOS and add a new DX96
logo and background tiles. Its the latest ROM for the SWC DX. |
Super WildCard DX
This copier is made by FFE, and is considered to be the best back-up unit for SNES in my
opinion: compared to its sequel, the SWC DX2,
it has better music, more GFX, more (better) logos, and a generally better GUI. Unlike
the SWC DX2, it only supports a disk drive, not a CD/Zip/Hard drive. Its expandable to 96Mbits,
which is fine considering most SNES games don't get bigger than 32Mbits. It has 256K Battery
backup RAM for game saves, and can support DSP games with a plug-in. You can link it your
computer via an I/O serial link. Again, as with the SWC DX2, this has an optional power supply,
as some SNESs aren't powerful enough to power a disk drive. YOu can choose from 10 different
languages, including english (phew!). You can even play -Pan-'s built in
game, and see a cool demo/intro. From the step between
the SWC 2.8CC and this SWC DX, FFE again claim that there are improved realtime SRAM save mode
routines. There are all sorts of program and BRAM transfer/editing functions, and Disk format
options, and 256 colour PCX picture viewer functions to keep all you non-PC owners happy too.
The password function supports current FFE,
Goldfinger, Action Reply, and Game Genie codes. Just like an actual AR cartridge, the SWC DX
also lets you search for your own codes with games, while you play them! The self test function.
helpfully lets you know when somethings wrong, or broken. AS stated, the configurable GUI menu
is great! Choose between cool music, or clinky sound effects. Surprise your friends by entering
a personal message, telling them that you are god! The auto load funtion means that a disk will
load without having to press any buttons. This gets annoying if you forget a disk is in the drive
though! d:] There is also a
secret function of the SWC DX[2] series you may want to know about.

Smart Bros
China Coach Limited (CCL) introduce the Smart Bros, a copier
compatible with both SNES and Genesis. As standard, the Smart
Bros is shipped with 32Mbits, but can be expanded upto 64Mbits.
Its main specifications include built in 256K SRAM, DSP compatibility,
and a PC compatible parallel port. Its functions include real time save
functions, auto gold finger cheats, and compatibility to run files from
CD with the optional CD drive.
| |
Pro Fighter X Turbo
China Coach Limited (CCL) introduce the Pro Fighter X Turbo,
a SNES copier which can be expanded upto 64Mbits. Its main
specifications include built in 256K SRAM, DSP compatibility, and
a PC compatible parallel port. Its functions include real time
save functions, auto gold finger cheats, and compatibility to run
files from CD with the optional CD drive. The range of Pro Fighter
copiers are renouned for thier high failure rates, due to being made
from low quality components. As you can see from the
picture, there is a built in Smart Card interface for handling of
Game Boy and Game Gear images.
Super Smart Card
The Super Smart Card is a backup unit for Game Boy and Gamegear. It
comes with a "Base Unit" which interfaces between your PC and the
4Mbit flashROM cartridge supplied, via a standard serial cable. This
allows you to upload Game Boy images from carts to your PC's hard
drive, or write Game Boy images to the flashROM cartidge. Gamegear
images can only be written to the flashROM cartidge, not backed up
from existing carts. Many people have had a hard time trying to get
the flashROM cart to work properly with the Pocket Game Boy, while
others have had no problem. It seems to work fine on a standard Game
Boy or Gamegear though.
Super WildCard 2.8cc
Ahh! I remember the days when this was state of the art gear! It is, of course
the SWC from FFE. Its latest ROM BIOS version was 2.8CC, until it was replaced by the
SWC + (or SWC DX, as it was to later be called). Although old, it does the job:
backs up SNES games, up to 32Mbits, and lets you play them. It even supports DSP
games with a plugin, and lets you use a I/O serial link to computer. As with all SWCs,
it has the realtime SRAM save mode, which is great for rewinding/fastforwarding games
to cheat. It also has the standard slow motion feature. The option of transferring SWC/cart
BRAM is available too. Standard disk format options are available to
delete, rename etc your disks. The password function supports FFE and Goldfinger codes,
but not Game Genie or Action Replay.
Super WildCard 1.6XC
This is an OLD copier unit for SNES. Blow off the dust, and power on!
This baby uses those big old 5.25" disks, which don't hold much. This
SWC features disk format options, FFE/Goldfinger password codes, and,
of course, program transferring and playing. Made by Front Far East. |
Other copiers yet to be documented here are Multi Game Hunters,
SuperTools, UFOs, SuperCom Partners, and loads more.