IRC, short for Internet Relay Chat, offers a world-wide multi-user chat
network, where people meet to talk in groups, or privately. Lots of people
can participate in the real time discussions, and the number of topics
covered on IRC is endless. On IRC you'll meet people with the same ideas
and interests, and making friends for life is not unusual. IRC can host your
business meetings and it can be your virtual hide-out! Gay_Halifax is a gay friendly channel on IRC
and this page is dedicated to those who requent the channel. If your looking for good conversation
with gay people in the local area, come and join us. If ya don't have the program click on the Mirc
download at the end of this page and you on your way to getting to know some of the friendly guys in town.

click on the nick to see info
If your nick is not here, and you would like to be part of the page, or if your nick is here and you want a change to your profile or you want to add a picture..let me know e-mail bara..and I will be sure to do whatever for you. :)
Many thanks to all those who took the time to fill out the web page form, and for helping make this page a reality. I would also like to say a special thank you to those who gave pics, you are brave people, and I love you. Please keep in mind that as this page grows we might have to look at the possibilty of moving the page. (Maybe a Sponser, who knows?. Oh and if we have any critics in the audience, please keep in mind that this is the first web page I've designed and it took alot of my spare time, so I am only accepting complements, sorry. Keep smilin :))

Baracuda- how are u doing?u gonna be on for a bit tonight, got time for a quick chat??
Catcher - not bad, sure.. but im talking to a couple others so don't expect the chat to be fast and furious ;)
Baracuda - k so am I,can u tell me around what date was the channel first created? And is it true that you were the first to start the channel?
Catcher-That's right, It was fall of...94, like maybe Sept
Baracuda - cool, so we are on our 3rd year. When you first started it who were the first nicks to show up.
Catcher -Chasm was for sure, lord.. im trying to rememebr, it was sooo infrequent at first, sometimes days with no one at all. Tucker2..I remember but he was about May 95 ,Dyson,he was an early one too.
Baracuda - What sorts of conversations happened at the beginning.?
Catcher - well.. I was WAY in the closet...so I talked mostly about being gay, I was very scared too, hardly ever told anyone my name
Baracuda- So has being on IRC helped u in your personal life?
Catcher - has it helped me??? I'd still be in the closet if it weren't for this damn thing! :) let see... of my bfs.. I met... 4 on here.
Baracuda - k I got a bit of information thanks.
Catcher - should be cool to see a page :)

YOU ARE THE VISITOR, since March 14/97