Wilderness Fencing
Many Years Ago...
It began innocently enough, as an effort to combine a couple of the boys' favorite pastimes, camping and fencing. However, as with most of their activities, things got out of control fairly rapidly. In this case, though, it wasn't due to their boundless youthful enthusiasm or apathy for the world around them... just faulty site selection. In a span of 2 months, Sirs Jackson and Picklebutt had managed to garner an impressive collection of Park Ranger complaints, from assault with a pointy thing to attempted campsite destruction. This era is notable as the last time Team S&M was ever seen in a controlled, regulated camping environment... and the world sleeps a little more easily because of that.
For Team S&M, the move to untrodden wilderness locations allowed it to flourish in all its self-reliant, eclectic, destructive glory. The practice of wilderness fencing, of course, continues to this day, with suprisingly few injuries or deaths marring the fun.
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