Thursday Debauchery
A long-running tradition of strange and unpredictable behavior, Thursday Debauchery began many years ago, when the founders of S&M Worldwide worked some pretty serious Joe Jobs, and were both given Thursday and Saturday off each week by their sadistic bosses. In order to make the best use of a day without televised sports, air shows, live concerts, or the hope of a real weekend, the idea was formed to pack a full 2 1/2 days of activities into one truly warped 24 hour period.
The most commonly witnessed events have traditionally been:
- Drop-The-Couch
- Tiki Torches on Parade
- Night Death
- Endless hours of space flight video games, featuring the boys' favorite move, where after being refueled and serviced by the mothership, they repay the favor by blowing it to oblivion as they depart.
- Russian Pizza Roulette
- What Rain, Excessive Alcohol Consumption, Dramatically Reduced Roadway Friction, and 400 Horsepower Musclecars Have in Common (in relation to busy 4-way intersections and the California Vehicle Code...).
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