'You'... hmm, that would link to... maybe... YOU???
C'mon folks, did you really need to know more about this one silly little word?
You know, just because something appears to be linked to something else, it doesn't mean that
you Absolutely, Positively HAVE to click on it. I mean, this isn't King's Quest XXIX or anything. It's pretty much a guarantee that even if you seek out and explore every insignificant element of this web site, you're not going to find any secret throne rooms or treasure chests.
For gosh sakes, get some hobbies and outside interests... Hey, maybe even some REAL FRIENDS!! The kind of friends that are actual flesh and blood, not
just some anonymous loser named quincy@shut-ins.edu....
Sorry about that...
it's been a really tough week here at S&M Worldwide. We actually like you
folks... a lot.. hey, where ya going??... c'mon back... WE WERE JUST KIDDING!!!
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