
Greetings! I don't know how you found me but somehow you did. I just want to start off by telling you that you are a very special person because not very many people have made it into the "realm" and not many people have seen this site. Only special people are allowed in here. So yes, you made your way into "Ryze's Realm" and stumbled into most the beautiful part of the entire site.
Welcome to my Secret Place. This is my favorite site of all because it serves as a positive way to express myself and contains only positive things. This site will contain original poetry, artwork, quotes, inspiring stories and other inspritional things. If you have something you would like to see on this site, Please contact me!
Please send your inspiring stories and poetry to my email address above. |
**FRIENDS** By Angela Putt
Written with a pen.
Sealed with a kiss.
If you are my friend
please answer this:
Are we friends
Or are we not?
You told me once
But I forgot.
So tell me now
And tell me true.
So I can say...
I'm here for you.
Of all my friends
I've ever met,
You're the one
I won't forget.
And if I die
Before you do,
I'll go to heaven
And wait for you.
I'll give the angels
Back their wings
And risk the loss
Of everything.
Just to prove my
friendship is true..
to have a friend like you.
Other Inspirationals
This site is dedicated to life of Mae Cress Cuthbertson.
 September 9, 1925 - February 16, 2000
She was not only my grandmother. She was also my best friend. I miss her so much. She taught me that life is about living and that experiences, good or bad, make you stronger. |
Other Loved Ones & Friends Who Have Passed...
Fannie Huntley
Dollie Simpson
Gary Simpson
Jim Cuthbertson
Voyle Simpson
Tanya Christian
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