Budget Costa Rica

Furnished Apartments and Rooms for Rent

New Lower Prices

Tel: (506) 225-3256, Fax:(506) 253-6302, attn: Sally,
Web Page Budget Costa Rica, E-mail:costarica@usa.net or call 506-225-3256

Visit also friend's

Pre-Columbian Collection


Welcome Students, World Travellers, Adventurers, Globetrotters, Backpackers, People/families looking for a decent place to stay... ...our Aparto-Hostel. You are at the right place. During my travels I met many people with tight budgets, where most of the time the cost of accommodations were they were staying dictated their vacation time. Simple;" Money gone, I should go home". Look below. We make Costa Rica affordable to you. and you can stay in beatiful Costa Rica longer than you originally planned.

Why is travel to Costa Rica is soo expensive, where locals are earning only $300/month?

Why hotel charges are higher than in the USA? They are usually owned by foreigners and priced for big-pocket foreigners!

With you help we will trace available good, honest travel related services. Please respond to costarica@usa.net or call 506-225-3256 with your good/bad experience during your stay in Costa Rica, recommendations, thank yous (no hate mail, please). We welcome any constructive suggestions how we should run this page, untouched subjects, help offers, smilling faces. All will be greatly appreciated and posted on this page with links to your e-mail address. We need and expect your opinions. On basis of these we will build a simple rating system, like (6+,3-,1+-); your positive/negative/so-so e-mails count.

For paying our bills, we have 3 almost new apartments, upper middle class Costa Rican neighborhoods centrally located, which we are converting for daily stay at $10/day/person or separate rooms for 2 for $20/room in a 2 bedroom apartment for longer stays. Also, look below for longer stay discounts.

These apartments are owned by 3 Costa Rican beatiful girls, Sally, Sibu, Salo and two Cosmopolitan young men, Lucas and Matt. Papi or tata is around and always will be.

Visit us as often as you can. We often place something new, our page in continuously under development and I hope never will be done. Almost every day we find new discoveries, information, which you may find useful or save you some time or $. Our life principle that working hard and smart, staying happy and enjoying life. Don't let others rob you, Do not rob others. We are not rich, of course we are rich in spirits and ideas. Besides managing these apartments, we are importing computer hardware and working on organizing CyberCafes alongside the first Costa Rica Microbrewery. We are working to provide our guests unlimited access to Internet, and even now, if you need, you may sometimes use our computers. Stay with us and in few years you may visit us at other locations maybe like on these pictures..

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