Here are the league rules that were set down in 1988, some have changed over the years. New members will want to be aware of these rules. Rule changes and additions are by majority vote.
1. Regulars are responsible for green fees each week. Subs must pay when they golf for a regular player. Who pays when a sub doesn't show is between the Regular player & the sub.
2. Any player must have 10 full (9 hole) rounds completed to qualify for League prizes at the Tournament
3. During the regular season we will observe the 10 stroke per hole limit, and gimme putts if you are within the grips of your putter.
4. For the League Tournament we will use your best 10 rounds to determine your handicap.
5. We will alternate week by week between the front and back nines.
6. An attempt will be made to have each player play an equal amount of times with each other player, and an equal amount of times in each flight.
7. Please pay the purser prior to each round.
8. Election of next years officers will take place following the Tournament, Current officers can not be reelected.
9. Collect League dues as a deposit, prior to beginning of the season.
10. Require subs that play in the tournament to pay full league dues, if they have enough rounds to qualified for prizes.
1. Pairings are by handicaps, there will be four flights.
2. Please Putt out each hole, no gimmies
3. The ten stroke limit is not in effect, what you get, is what you get.
4. The lowest handicap in each flight is the offical scorekeeper for their flight.
5. The putting contest will take place prior to the round.
6. The Tournament Winner will be determined by subtracting your handicap from your gross score, which will result in your NET score. The lowest overall NET score will be declared the TOURNAMENT CHAMP.
7. One prize limit per player.
1. Organize the league for the new season.
a. Find out what courses are available.
b. Find out what night the majority of the league members want to play.
c. Try to match where players want to play with when they can play.
d. Pick the course based on league input and your own best guess.
e. Inform players of times and dates.
f. Fill vacancies for non-returning players.
2. Conduct rule change voting when necessary
3. Cover for league purser in their absence.
4. Organize season ending Tournment.
a. Start early
b. Pick a Saturday or Sunday when everyone will be available.
c. Find a course
d. Organize the after tournament celebration
e. Present prizes
f. Hold elections for next year.
1. Collect first nights green fees in advance of league play.
2. Pay course green fees for entire league each week.
3. Cover for League King/Queen in their absence.
4. Assist League King/Queen in organizing the league and the Tournament.
Distribute prizes based on the following percentages of the treasury, at the end of the season.
a. 20% for the League Champ & 2.5% for Trophy Ingraving.
b. 7.5% for Flight winners & Low Gross round.
c. 6.25% for Longest Drive, Putting contest, and Closest to the pin, front & back.
d. 2.5% for each prize for the remaining 6 golfers that did not win any of the above.
An alternate dispersion proposal. By a John Bircher,
Cut out the two and one half percent (2.5%) for the last six
(6), this isn't bowling and we reward winners not losers.
Reduce the six and one quarter percent (6.25%) to five percent
(5%). Redistribute as follows:
25% for the tournament winner plus 2.5 % for engraving.
14.5% for the low gross score.
9.5 % for each of the flight winners.
5% for longest drive, putting contest and closest to the pin on
the front and back nines.