Age 4 Months
March 18-April 17
Trip with Mommy to NJ for 2 weeks
4-month checkup and shots
Daddy's college graduation
Rolling over (back to front)
Trying to sit up from baby seat
Squirming out of baby seat
Teething like crazy
18 pounds, 10 ounces; 25-3/4 inches (doctor's measurements)
What's the story with these Morning Glories? Actually, they're called Silver
Bells, and he was posing for a Spring-theme photo for my Nov2002 Mommies board.

Here we are at spring training game (Rockies vs. Rangers) at the new stadium
near us.

Whadda face!

While in NJ, Aidan loved getting rocked around the clock by his Nana.

He liked sitting with Grand-Dad, too -- or Baghdad as we started calling
him due to the war.

He got to see most of his 14 cousins, including Lauren and Claire.