Storm King Golf Club P.O. Box G Cornwall New York 12518 tel 845-534-3844


Storm King Golf Club Policy January 2003


   The Board of Directors adopted the following policy guidelines in order to improve the play and operating conditions of Storm King. They are directed at areas not specifically covered in the Constitution of our Club. We urge all members to respect and abide by these policies. Violations could result in suspension or loss of privileges at the discretion of the Board of Directors. It is in the best interest of all members of the Club to be aware of the provisions of the Constitution and Club Policy and to inform any members in violation or non-compliance.


GOLF CARTS:  Carts will be driven in compliance with all signs and markers placed by the Greens Committee and Superintendent. All carts must stay on the cart paths.  Members under the age of sixteen (16) are not allowed to operate a cart. The member should keep in mind that he/she is responsible for any improper actions taken by his/her guest. At least one member must be in any group using golf carts on the course.  No member, member in waiting, or guest, can use a cart without the owner’s permission.  Only two carts should be used for any foursome and one cart for any twosome. The penalty for failure to adhere to these policies will result in a letter of reprimand for a first offense. A second offense will result in a two-week suspension of cart privileges. A third offense will result in a permanent suspension of cart privileges and loss of cart space. After playing the 9th and 18th holes, carts should be left in the blacktop parking area provided for this purpose

    Members may drive children on the course, but their behavior should be closely monitored and under no circumstances should they be allowed to interfere with play.

    Members requesting cart space must apply through the Cart Shed Chairman. Space will be allotted on a priority basis. Cart owners are responsible for keeping their cart space clean and safe; also that your cart space fees are paid in full. Smoking is not permitted in the cart sheds. Carts shall be parked so there is no encroachment into the neighboring space. Garage doors should be kept closed and locked during periods when play is light. On busy days, doors may be left open until heavy play has ended. If you are the last cart in your shed, or it is 6:00pm or later, you must close and lock the doors. Parking of automobiles in the shed area is forbidden.


CART USE DISPENSATION:   In special cases where a medical condition warrants relief from the cart path requirements, a red flag may be requested to permit carts to travel off of the paths via a letter to the Board of Directors. These requests will be subject to annual review. The rights and restrictions are as follows:

  1) Carts should be kept on the paths whenever possible; crossing fairways should be done at a 90 degree angle and into the opposite rough. Crossings should be kept at a minimum to protect fairways.

                  2) All carts must be kept at least 30 feet from the greens.

                  3) The red flag must be displayed whenever you are on the course.

4) The privileges described herein apply only to the designated flag holder and not to any other individual riding in the cart; the red flag is for a person not a cart, only the “flag holder” is entitled to be driven to his/her ball.

                  5) Failure to adhere to the above regulations will result in the loss of the cart use dispensation.


MEMBER RELATIONS: Members are encouraged to attend regular meetings of the Board of Directors. These meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at the Club House. Members present at the meeting shall be advised as to the agenda for that session. Any member may obtain the floor, at the discretion of the President, and may speak on any matter listed on the agenda. An open discussion period will be held at each meeting for this purpose. Members shall follow all rules of decorum and shall abide by any time limit allowed and established by the President. The maximum time allowed for any discussion period shall be ten minutes. This may be shortened by the President as the situation warrants. Members may request a place on future agendas. The request should be in writing addressed to the Board of Directors in care of the Secretary and should outline details of the matter.

PRACTICE: The only practice area is in front of the 5th tee. Members may shag balls from the rough between the service road and the fairway. Practice is allowed only when play is light. Members using this area should always defer to those playing the course.


Course Closure: The course is closed during the following league play:

                  Twilight League, Wednesday, (Thursday rainouts) 4 - 6 P.M.

                  Ladies League, Tuesday, 5 - 7 P.M.


The practice green will remain open to all members at these times but not the practice area on the 5th hole. There will also be closings during major tournaments. A tournament schedule will be posted in the Club House.


ATTIRE: Proper attire must be worn at all times when playing the course. Men are to wear collared shirts or turtlenecks. No short shorts or cutoffs are allowed. Proper attire is also required in the Club House. Members making a casual appearance in the Club House in work clothes are exempt from this rule. Metal spikes are not allowed on the course, any golf shoes worn must be of the soft spike variety.


TEEING PRIORITIES:  At all times members are encouraged to make threesomes or foursomes, to speed play on the course. Tee times are on a “first come, first serve” basis. A ball is placed into the ball rack besides the first tee; first ball represents the first group entitled to tee off; the second ball, the next to tee off, etc. A ball may be placed in the rack ONLY when at least 3 of the players are present from the group. If, in awaiting the arrival of the 4th player, the group now becomes next on the tee, they may wait for the 4th player to arrive, allowing the next group to tee off. They will retain their priority until they choose to tee off, with or without the 4th player. In following with USGA policy, foursomes and threesomes have priority over twosomes and singles on the course; no twosomes or singles may tee off prior to 11:00am on weekends and holidays between April 1 and September 30.  Players teeing off on the 1st hole shall alternate with groups coming off the 9th green.


SAFETY: As a measure of safety, one member of a group teeing off on #1 and #10 should act as a fore caddy. This should also be done when hitting over the brink of #7 and #16.



Membership openings shall be filled in the following order:

1.        Members returning from Leave of Absence.

2.        Family Members upgrading to full voting member.*

3.        Junior Members upgrading to full voting member.*

4.        Associate Members upgrading to full voting member.*

5.        Members in Waiting.

* Prioritized by the date the Membership Chairman receives the request.


Whenever the maximum limit of 178 single and family memberships has been achieved, a members-in-waiting list consisting of no more than fifteen applicants will be maintained. Such list will be divided into single and family categories, and applicants must pay the appropriate initiation fee before inclusion on the list. Placement on the list will be determined by the date the initiation fee payment is received by the Club Treasurer. 


The membership mix should be no more than ten family three, fifty five family two, and the balance single. Members in waiting would be eligible to become full members when an opening in their classification becomes available.  Should there be more than ten interested applicants, a secondary list will be maintained, in chronological order, consisting of names and telephone numbers. When junior memberships reach the limit of 25, a similar listing of names and telephone numbers will be maintained, if necessary.


When an opening becomes available on the Members in Waiting list, the Membership Chairman shall notify the first person eligible to come off the secondary waiting list.  Any individual so notified shall have two weeks to accept the invitation and submit an application accompanied by the initiation deposit.  Failure to submit the application and deposit within two weeks will result in the prospective member being placed at the bottom of the secondary waiting list and the invitation will be considered withdrawn.  Upon acceptance of the application by the Board of Directors, a statement of all membership fees will be mailed to the new member.


New Member Payment Schedule:

½ all membership fees due 30 days from date of original statement. Failure to comply results in a $25 late fee and suspension of golfing privileges (if within the golfing season).

Full payment due within 90 days from date of the original statement.  Failure to comply results in an additional $25 late fee and suspension of golfing privileges.

If full payment is not made within 120 days, membership is revoked.




Playing Privileges:   Members in waiting will have playing privileges and family applicants must identify one individual to receive playing status. They may play at any time during the week, and after 2:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays, upon payment of appropriate greens fees. They may not bring playing guests, but may be guests of members on weekend and holiday mornings upon payment of greens fees. Applicants on the secondary list and the junior list shall have no playing privileges.

Cart Use: Members in waiting may not use carts unless a member is playing with them in the same two, three, or foursome.


The Membership Chairman shall assume responsibility of familiarizing the applicant with the Constitution and the Club Policy. Discussion of the Rules of Golf, golf etiquette, conduct, and dress code should be done particularly when the applicant is inexperienced. The Membership Chairman will invite the new members to attend an orientation program to be held in the spring of each year. Attendance by new members is mandatory.


JUNIOR MEMBERS: Junior members and children covered under  Family Membership shall be encouraged to participate in junior tournaments. Adult members are expected to promote interest in their activities and provide counsel relating to etiquette, proper conduct, and observance of the rules both on the course and in the ClubHouse.  All Junior Members and children covered under Family Membership are eligible to play in the Club Junior Championship until they have reached the age of 18.  Junior Members and children covered under Family Membership, past their 18th birthday are eligible to enter the Club Championship Tournament, but must compete in the Championship Flight and are bound by the same rules as all Members for this tournament. No Junior Member or child covered under Family Membership regardless of age is eligible for play in the Member-Member Tournament.


CLUB HOUSE: The Club House and its facilities are designed primarily as places of enjoyment, comfort, and relaxation for all members of the Storm King Golf Club. Fellowship, friendliness, and sportsmanlike conduct have always been foremost among the many fine attributes of our club. The Club does allow the use of the Club House for all members for the purpose of hosting private parties. The following rules and procedure apply to all:


1)       The member sponsor must be in attendance at the party. If the member sponsor cannot be present he/she must make arrangements for another member to be present in their absence to take responsibility for the party

2)       Permission for all private events must be requested and approved by the Board of Directors.

3)       The number of people at the proposed event is limited to 50

4)       The area of the Club House to be used for the party is the Dining Room.

5)       Guests at the event may go to the bar to get a drink, but they MAY NOT sit at the bar.

6)       The member sponsoring the event is responsible for the care of the Club House during the event and will held liable for any damage to the Club House, furnishings, or equipment caused by any guest.


GUESTS & GUEST FEES: Members bringing guests must pay guest fees and sign in their guest prior to playing golf. Failure to comply will result in a $25.00 fine. Repeated violations will result in disciplinary action by the Board of Directors. Guests are not permitted to play without a member in the group. Guest fees are as follows: Weekdays - $25; Weekends and Holidays - $35; After 4PM or anytime after November 1- $20.


MEMBER CHARGES:   Members shall have the right to charge miscellaneous items, such as guest fees, to their accounts.  These charges are due within 30 days from the date of the invoice.  If full payment is not made within 45 days, playing privileges are suspended.  If an outstanding balance remains on January 1 of the following year, membership may be revoked.  Restaurant and Pro Shop charges are at the discretion of the respective managers and are billed separately.


LEAVE OF ABSENCE POLICY: The following conditions have been adopted by the Board of Directors concerning the status of a member who has requested and been granted a leave of absence from the Club.

  1) A leave of absence shall last for a maximum of one complete playing season.

  2) During this leave of absence, the member shall not be required to pay his/her annual dues.  However, payment of all assessments shall be required.  The granting of a leave of absence shall be provisional upon payment of all locker and cart space fees and advance payment of the annual food assessment.   The member on leave will not be liable for food bills incurred during the season until the cumulative amount exceeds their pre-paid annual assessment.


  3) In being granted a leave of absence, the member should realize that he/she is not an active member for the season. During the leave of absence, golfing and cart use privileges are restricted to the same rules and regulations as non-members; however, he/she shall retain all Club House privileges.

  4) In order to avoid the loss of revenue to the Club, new members will be accepted to fill the openings.

  5) Upon notification to the Membership Chairman of termination of leave, the following options apply:

                  a) Reinstatement (if there are any openings)

  b) Placement on the member in waiting list ( the order of this list shall be determined by the date of the notification).

If the member on leave does not accept re-entry, he/shall be dropped from the membership rolls and all privileges, including cart space and locker rental, shall be revoked.


FOOD ASSESSMENT: Food assessment as determined by the Board of Directors is applicable to single members, family members, and members on leave of absence. Unused food assessment charges must be paid within 30 days of the billing day, or golfing privileges will be suspended. If by December 15th, all unused food assessment charges have not been met, golfing privileges will automatically be suspended until full payment is made. The monthly food assessments are $40.00 for single memberships and $50.00 for family memberships.


EXPULSION:  Any member of the Club who shall conduct himself/herself in an ungentlemanly or unladylike manner while on Club property or whose conduct shall be offensive to other members of the Club shall be liable to suspension or expulsion from the Club. This action will be taken by the Board of Directors after due process through the Grievance Committee.






- All rounds must be 18 holes played in one day beginning with Hole #1 and ending with Hole #18.


- Regulation pins and tees must be used- No temporaries.


-The player must follow USGA rules governing stroke play –except where modified by posted local rules.


- All putts must be holed.


- The player must be playing in at least a threesome, one of which must be an adult SKGC member.


- The scorecard must be signed and dated by the player and scorer and presented to the Board of Directors, within 7 days, with a letter from all fellow competitors attesting to the compliance of the above conditions of play by the player.