This is the story: one day I found a great site called No, This isn't come crazy advertisement for that website, I just want to share with everyone all the great things I've won off of the internet! Sure, it takes time, a little patience when you first get started, but I think the payoff is well worth it!
I've been enterting contests nearly everyday (of course I take days off if I don't feel like it!) for almost a year now. I've won well over $5,000 in prizes and am waiting for that BIG one! Cash, a car, you get the idea.
So, I've decided to create this website to help inspire EVERYONE to get off their asses (or, stay ON your asses, rather) and start entering contests! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. When you're sitting at your desk cruising Myspace, you could be entering contests and possibly winning big prizes -- or when you're watching TV with that brand new laptop you just won, you could be ENTERING CONTESTS!
I haven't been good with writing down the date that I win things, but I'll make a page including all of the stuff I can remember winning up until this point, showing you just how awesome entering contests is. I'll start keeping track of dates now (and times!) and keep the site updated at least once a week with my wins (yeah, I win THAT often!).
My wins from June of 2006 until June of 2007
Come WINZY with me! As you can see, I win prizes JUST BY SEARCHING on Winzy, it's great!
